Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/1 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Blog Website -

Important Information-Please Read:
*You will receive a syllabus in each core subject at the beginning of each week. You will find my
syllabi posted on the above website.
*Students will receive their first monthly Reading Log this week. All students are required to read 2 or
more books a month and record the books on their log, with a parent signature for each book read.
* By this Wednesday, my students should have a pleasure book that he/she has not read before. Bring
book to reading/language arts class, or plan to check one out from Ms. A or one of our core teachers.
*Please plan to bring a quart size Ziploc bag by Thursday, Sept. 4th, for our Seedfolks novel study.
Students may purchase bags from his/her teacher for 25 cents.
*A typed draft of the students' Vital Statistics survey is due by Fri. Sept. 5th to be returned back to
students by Tues. Sept. 9th. The typed final copy will be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have
a computer to type the Vital Statistics survey, please plan to use the public library.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (during school hours)
*Starting this week, our library is now open for students to check out books, do homework, research,
use computers, etc. It is open everyday except Wednesday's from 8 - 8:50 A.M. Students may not use
the computers until they receive their log-ins, which will happen by the end of the week. To be
allowed in the library in the a.m., students must wear their I.D. In order to use the computers, students must bring their planner to the library with proof the student/parent contracts have been read & signed.

Monday, September 1 - Labor Day: No School

Tuesday, September 2
Begin Vital Statistics Survey
Introduce Reading Logs
Finish pre-reading packet, read and discuss Ana story, then complete chart
Homework: Get your syllabus signed & bring pleasure book to class-due Wednesday
Finish handwritten draft of Vital Statistics survey- due Wednesday for check-in only

Wednesday, September 3
Read and discuss Ana & Wendell stories, then complete chart
Team 6-3 meeting-discuss team procedures & policies
Homework: Books will be assigned on Thurs.-You need to have your Ziploc bag in class-due Thursday

Thursday: September 4
8th period- Library orientation - Front library tables
Read & discuss Gonzalo story then complete chart
Typed Vital Statistics survey due tomorrow (I will edit it and returned it by Tues., Sept 9th)
Assign SeedFolks books (only if you have your Ziploc bag)
Homework: Vital Statistics typed draft-due Friday

Friday, September 5 – Spirit Day! - Wear Red and White or Julian Apparel
Read and discuss Leona & Sam stories, then complete chart
9th period- Library Media Center Computers-receive login information
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Parents and Guardians:
Please sign below indicating you have seen your child’s syllabi for all core subjects (reading, math, science, social studies, and language arts). This syllabus will be returned to your child the same day.

Parent signature __________________________________________Date_____________

Pre-Reading Passage
No Place for a Garden

An icy wind teetered trash cans and turned my cheeks to marble. In Vietnam we had no weather like that. Here in Cleveland people call it spring. I walked half a block, then crossed the street and reached the vacant lot.

I stood tall and scouted. I'd never entered the lot before, or wanted to. I did so now, picking my way between tires and trash bags. I nearly stepped on two rats gnawing and froze. Then I told myself that I must show my bravery. I continued farther and chose a spot far from the sidewalk and hidden from view by a rusty refrigerator. I had to keep my project safe.

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