Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/1/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Team 6-3

Important Information:
• A weekly science syllabus will go home every Monday throughout the school year. You may also access the syllabus by going to the website listed above.
• All students should have a folder and spiral (same color, Green) strictly for science. They must have their spiral and folder in class everyday.
• Lab Safety Cartoon will be due Sept. 12th

Monday, September 1
Labor Day: No School

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 2
Seating Chart
Lab Safety
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 3
Information Cards
Lab Contract
Penny Lab

Homework: Finish Penny Lab, if necessary

Thursday: September 4
Lab Safety (Next Door in Mr. Baker’s Room B202)
Introduce Lab Safety Cartoon
Review Penny Lab

Homework: Work on lab Safety Cartoon

Friday, September 5
Introduction to the Scientific Method
Observation and Hypothesis
"What will burn longer," activity.
Graphing “What will Burn Longer”

Homework: Finish what will burn longer Graphing activity, if necessary
Work on “Lab Safety” Cartoon

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