Friday, September 5, 2008

9/8 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Mr. Morrell - Team 6-3
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*You will find my syllabi posted on the above website.
*The edited Vital Statistics draft will be returned by Tuesday, Sept 9th. The typed final copy will
be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have a computer, please plan to use the public library.
*Don’t forget, our library is now open for students to check out books, do homework, research,
use computers, etc. everyday except Wednesday's from 8 - 8:50 A.M. Students must wear their I.D and bring their planner to the library with proof the student/parent contracts have been read &signed.
*There will be a Seedfolks test on Thursday, September 18th.
*Students received their Reading Logs last week and their first Reading Log is due on October 2nd.
Students must read 2 or more books and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (information will be sent home soon)
*Homework Club begins Tuesday Sept 9th with Mrs. Alexander

Monday, September 8 –
Spelling pre-test- Lesson 1
Spelling - Part A (only)-top of page 9
Read Sae Young story and complete chart, including character traits
Homework: Finish spelling Pt. A - p. 9, if necessary

Tuesday, September 9
Read Curtis and Nora story and complete chart, including character traits
Spelling -Review Pt. A- p. 9
Return Vital Statistics survey and discuss
Homework: Finish Curtis and Nora story and chart, if necessary

Wednesday, September 10
Seedfolks activity # 1 (a surprise)
Spelling Pt. B- bottom p. 9 and top of p. 10
Homework: Finish spelling work, if necessary

Thursday: September 11
Seedfolks activity # 2 (a surprise) & wrap-up activity # 3
Read and Amir story and complete chart, including character traits
Copy given vocabulary definitions for Seedfolks test next week
Spelling- review Pt. B p. 9-10
Homework: Study for spelling test tomorrow

Friday, September 12
Take Lesson 1 spelling post test
Read Florence story and complete chart, including character traits
Finish Seedfolks wrap-up activity and share
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

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