Friday, November 21, 2008

11/17/08 Science Syllabi

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
1st period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
1st period Time Trials
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap car Construction

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
No Science

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
Finish Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Continue Graphing, Results Section, and Conclusion
Final Tweek Day Car Must be up and Running!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
No Science

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
2nd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
No Science
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap car Construction
2nd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
Intro Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
No Science

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
3rd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
3rd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
No Science

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

11/17/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 MR. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over.
o Students will be assigned a detailed Venn Diagram Activity on Tuesday Nov. 18 and Due Friday Nov. 21
o We offer a differentiation option for students. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 17
Vocabulary Notes: Hermes and Hades
Read and Chart Apollo
Spelling Pretest
Review: Athena and Poseidon

Homework: Read and Block Artemis

Tuesday, November 18
Vocabulary Notes: Persephone and Dionysus
Review: Apollo and Artemis
Read and Block Hermes
Introduce Venn Diagram Activity Due Friday Nov. 21

Homework: Read and Block Hades

Wednesday, November 19
Review Hermes and Hades
Read and Block Persephone and Dionysus
Spelling Chapter 6 Part A

Homework: Begin Studying for Test on Friday and Work on Venn Diagram

Thursday, November 20
Review Persephone and Dionysus
The Gods of Olympus Worksheet
Mythology Jeopardy!

Homework: Study for test and Complete Venn Diagram

Friday, November 21
Spelling Test Chapter 6
Mythology Major Gods Test
Read Ahead Group Test on Major and Minor Gods
Mythology Vocabulary Crossword

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
Remember Only 2 Days Next Week

11/10/08 Science Syllabi

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
1st period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
No Science Today

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
2nd period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
3rd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
3rd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
No Science

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/10/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 MR. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over. I’ve returned the quarters I’ve received thus far.
o We will offer a differentiation option for students on Wednesday. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Students must return their Red Fern books in order to receive a Greek Myth book.
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 10
Vocabulary Notes: Athena
Read and Chart Aphrodite and Ares
L/Network – Punctuation: “Periods and Other End Marks” pp. 206-207

Homework: Punctuation - Do pp. 208 Pt A and B – due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11 – No School- Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 12
Media Center 9th
Vocabulary Notes: Poseidon
Read and Chart Athena
L/Network – Punctuation: Review Homework
“Commas in Sentences” pp. 209 - 210

Homework: Punctuation – Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check – due Friday

Thursday, November 13
Mathemagic Field Trip Follow-up Activity
Movie: Remember the Titans

Homework: Remember– Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check is due Friday

Friday, November 14
Read and Chart Poseidon
Vocabulary Notes: Apollo and Artemis
L/Network – Punctuation: Review homework and complete Pt. B Mixed Review p. 211

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
You may wish to begin studying for Major Gods test next Friday, Nov. 21st.

Monday, November 3, 2008

11/3/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 3, 2008

Important Information:
• All materials for mousetrap cars are due Friday, November 7. Don’t forget to bring in a shoebox to store your groups materials.
• Your first list of materials is due on Tuesday, November 4. Each group member needs a copy of the list and I also need a copy.
• Your first blueprint is due on at the end of class on Wednesday, November 5. Each member of the group should make their own blueprint- they should a similar design, but do not need to be exact. It should include a top and side view.
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• You must have your parent permission slip Today Monday Nov. 3
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!

Monday, November 3- signed parent letter due tomorrow today! (Period 1 and 2)
Begin speed and velocity Notes first 5 min
Review a bit of directed reading
Mousetrap Car groups are assigned
Work on 1st list of materials and blueprints
Continued discussion on Lab Report Requirements

Homework: Finish 1st list of materials- due next class

Tuesday, November 4 (Periods 3 and 1)
Speed and Velocity Notes first 5 min
Continue Discussion Lab Report Requirements
Period 1: Speed and Velocity Worksheet due next class, sign group contracts

Homework: Finish Speed and Velocity Worksheet (We didn't get to this, We will pick it up at a later date. It is a little too much during construction and I have decided to focus on the cars, the paper, and notes only and will continue with concepts toward the end of November.)

Wednesday, November 5 (Periods 2 and 3)
Mousetraps are due today.
Work on Blueprints- due at the end of class
mousetrap construction
Sign group contracts today

Homework: none

Thursday: November 6 (Periods 1 and 2)
mousetrap consruction

Homework: none

Friday, November 7 (Periods 3 and 1)
Mousetrap construction
All materials must be in class by today for everyone!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!

11/03/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 3, 2008

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, November 4. Please be sure to log all of your books and get a parent signature for each book you read. Don’t forget to log Where the Red Fern Grows (you do not need to get a parent signature or answer a question for in class books).
o Students will have a grammar test on Wednesday, November 5. The test will cover subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments, and capitalization.
o We are beginning a new unit on the Greek Myths this week! We will offer a differentiation option for students next week.

Monday, November 3
Spelling Lesson 5: Pre-Test
What Do You Know About the Greek Myths?
Introduce Greek Myth Unit
Greek Myth Capitalization Practice
Continue Where the Red Fern Grows movie

Homework: Finish your Reading Log- it is due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Study for your grammar test.

Tuesday, November 4
Collect Reading Log #2
Introduce Greek Myth Element Chart
Read Olden Times and Gaea
Complete Element Chart for Gaea
Finish Where the Red Fern Grows movie
Review for Grammar Test

Homework: Study for the grammar test tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5
Grammar Test
Vocabulary Notes: Titans, Cronus, and Zeus & His Family
Read and Chart Titans and Cronus
Spelling Page 25 Part B

Homework: Spelling Master 5A

Thursday, November 6
Vocabulary Notes: Hera and Hephaestus
Read and Chart Zeus & His Family
Spelling Rows Review Game

Homework: Study for your Spelling Test Lesson 5

Friday, November 7 (First Friday: Julian SPIRIT DAY!)
Spelling Lesson 5 Test
Read and Chart Hera and Hephaestus
Vocabulary Notes: Aphrodite and Ares
Read Pleasure Books- start working on next months reading log

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! The Fall Dance is after school today in the commons from 4-6.