Friday, November 21, 2008

11/17/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 MR. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over.
o Students will be assigned a detailed Venn Diagram Activity on Tuesday Nov. 18 and Due Friday Nov. 21
o We offer a differentiation option for students. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 17
Vocabulary Notes: Hermes and Hades
Read and Chart Apollo
Spelling Pretest
Review: Athena and Poseidon

Homework: Read and Block Artemis

Tuesday, November 18
Vocabulary Notes: Persephone and Dionysus
Review: Apollo and Artemis
Read and Block Hermes
Introduce Venn Diagram Activity Due Friday Nov. 21

Homework: Read and Block Hades

Wednesday, November 19
Review Hermes and Hades
Read and Block Persephone and Dionysus
Spelling Chapter 6 Part A

Homework: Begin Studying for Test on Friday and Work on Venn Diagram

Thursday, November 20
Review Persephone and Dionysus
The Gods of Olympus Worksheet
Mythology Jeopardy!

Homework: Study for test and Complete Venn Diagram

Friday, November 21
Spelling Test Chapter 6
Mythology Major Gods Test
Read Ahead Group Test on Major and Minor Gods
Mythology Vocabulary Crossword

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
Remember Only 2 Days Next Week

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