Friday, November 21, 2008

11/10/08 Science Syllabi

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
1st period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
No Science Today

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
2nd period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
3rd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
3rd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
No Science

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

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