Monday, October 26, 2009

House of the Scorpion 10/26/09

House of the Scorpion
Mr. Morrell’s
Reading Syllabus
Week of 10/26/09

• This week is spirit week, remember to dress up and show your spirit!
• We will be researching the science behind science fiction this week in science class
• Vocabulary work list #3 is due with sentences Friday, October 30th

Monday, October 26
Read Chapters 20 and 21

Homework: Complete comprehension questions for Ch. 20 and 21

Tuesday, October 27
Review comprehension questions
Read Chapters 22 and 23

Homework: complete comprehension questions for Ch. 22 and 23

Wednesday, October 28
Review Comprehension Questions
Read Ch 24, 25, and 26

Homework: Complete comprehension questions Ch. 24, 25 and 26

Thursday, October 29
Review Comprehension Questions
Read Ch. 27 and 28

Homework: Complete Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary list

Friday, October 30th
Read Chapter 29 and 30

Homework: None, Happy Holloween!

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