Monday, October 5, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 10/5/09

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 5, 2009
Important Information:
• GREAT JOB on your first reading logs!!! Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• During our short story unit the students studied many literary skills; they will have a test over these skills (theme, setting, plot, conflict, characterization, and inferring) on Tuesday, October 6.
• Students will take a Chapter 1 Grammar Test on Thursday, October 8th. If you would like to check out a grammar book to study with please see me!
• I will be sending home my conference schedule this week. Please be sure to get this from your child. If you need to change your time for any reason please call or email.
• This Friday marks the halfway of our first trimester; please check the online grade book on Friday, October 9th for your child’s midterm progress report. Please sign the Progress Report Notification letter indicating you have seen the grades online for all classes.
• Last week all students ranked three science fiction books by their interest in each book. This week they will find out which book they are reading and which team 6-3 teacher they are reading it with. The science fiction novel study will begin on Wednesday during 9th period.

Monday, October 5
Grammar Lesson 1.10
Review for Lit Skills Test tomorrow.
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is MONSTERS!
Spelling Race

Homework: STUDY for your lit skills test tomorrow! Finish your vicar word story if necessary!

Tuesday, October 6
Lit Skills Test: Theme, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Characterization, and Inferring
Vocabra Firing Line

Homework: Read your pleasure book! Keep up with your second reading log!

Wednesday, October 7
8th Period: Review For Grammar Test tomorrow
9th Period: Begin Sci-Fi Novel Unit (Introduce Novels and Pre-Reading Activities)

Homework: Study for Grammar Test- you can check out a grammar book if you would like!

Thursday October 8
8th Period: Grammar Test
9th Period: Sci-Fi Novel Groups

Homework: Study for your Vocabra #3 Spelling and Vocabulary TEST tomorrow!

Friday, October 9
8th Period: Vocabra #3 Spelling and Vocabulary Test
9th Period: Sci-Fi Novel Groups

Homework: Enjoy your long weekend! Look at your midterm progress report grades on the online grade book. Get the letter signed saying that parents/guardians have seen all of your grades. Please bring back the signed letter on Tuesday!

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