Friday, October 16, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus 10/19/09

Mr. Morrell
8th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 19, 2009

Important Information:
• Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• We are working on Chapter 2: Nouns in our Grammar Book this week. Students will have a test on Chapter 2 Nouns on Tuesday, October 27th. Students who showed mastery of nouns are working on differentiated project, which will be due on Tuesday, October 27th; these students do not need to take the noun test.
• Conferences are on THURSDAY! If you need to change your time for any reason please call or email!
• It is not too late to sign up for The Young Authors Conference, which will be held at Lincoln school on Saturday, October 24. This is a free event that will have over 30 published authors, illustrators, journalists, and cartoonists coming to work with our students! See me to sign up.

Monday, October 19
Grammar Day Yeah!
Grammar Lesson 2.1
Grammar: Lesson 2.3
Finish the Plural Noun Race

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 20
Grammar: Lesson 2.4
Vocabra Sentence Review with Whiteboards

Homework: Grammar Handout- Nouns and Their Jobs page 40

Wednesday, October 21
Review Grammar Lesson 2.4: Complete Handout page 42
Spelling Review Game

Homework: Make sure your parent/guardian knows when your conference is tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests on Friday! We have some sneaky tricky words this week!

Thursday October 22 (1/2 Day)
No Reading: Conferences TODAY

Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests! Tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon! Be sure to bring in a good book or two to read while relaxing in your PJ’s! You can also bring a healthy snack and one comfort item (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal).

Friday, October 23 (1/2 Day)
Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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