Friday, October 9, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus 10/12/09

Mr. Morrell
8th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 12, 2009

Important Information:
• Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• We are beginning Chapter 2: Nouns in our Grammar Book this week. Students will take a pre-diagnostic test on Wednesday and students showing mastery of nouns will work on differentiated assignments and projects.
• Conference times went home on Friday- if you need to change your time for any reason please call or email!
• If you did not receive your conference time they are posted on my blog at the bottom.
• Friday, October 9th was the midterm of our first trimester. Please check the online grade book for your child’s midterm progress report and sign the Progress Report Notification letter indicating you have seen the grades for all classes.
• It is not too late to sign up for The Young Authors Conference, which will be held at Lincoln school on Saturday, October 24. This is a free event that will have over 30 published authors, illustrators, journalists, and cartoonists coming to work with our students! See me to sign up.

Monday, October 12
NO SCHOOL! Columbus Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 13
Introduce Vocabra List #4
Vocabra Word Story: Use all 12 of your words to write a short Science Fiction Story! Be creative!

Homework: Finish writing your Vocabra Sci-Fi story.

Wednesday, October 14
Grammar Chapter 2 Pre-Diagnostic Test
Grammar Lesson 2.1
Noun Poster Challenge
Begin Vocabra Comic Strip- due on Friday

Homework: Work on your Vocabra Comic Strip

Thursday October 15
Stuffing Day
Vocabra Word Drawing: Draw the meaning of the word using the word itself

Homework: Finish your Vocabra Comic Strip- due tomorrow!

Friday, October 16
Grammar Lesson 2.2
Plural Noun Race
Vocabra Spelling Scramble

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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