Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 Steps for Scientific Drawings

Student Sheet 2.3A
Guidelines for Scientific Drawings
An acceptable scientific drawing includes the following 10 elements:
1. The drawing is made with a sharp, No. 2 pencil.
2. The size of the drawing is proportional to the way it appears in the field of view.
3. The magnification and/or the diameter of the field of view is printed just below the circle.
4. The title appears in upper-case letters just below the magnification.
5. The lines used for labeling end at, or just inside of, the feature being identified.
6. A ruler is used to draw the lines for labels.
7. Labels are printed neatly outside the field of view and parallel to the bottom of the page.
8. The magnification, title, and labels are printed, not written in cursive.
9. There are no noticeable erasure marks.
10. Measurements are printed within parentheses to the right of the title.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of May 23, 2011

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I collected notebooks on Friday, they will be returned to students on Wednesday May 25th. All corrections must be in to me by 3:30 on Monday May 30th No exceptions!
  • There will be a Lab Practical Test starting on May 26 and gong through May 27th
  • Please return all science books to me as soon as possible if you have an outstanding book you will not receive your last report cards.
  • If the book is lost it will cost $30.00

Monday, May 23

Finish "What's in a puff?"

Begin Mitosis

Homework: finish "What's in a puff?" due tomorrow

Tuesday, May 24


Homework: Finish description chart due tomorrow

Wednesday, May 25

Review Mitosis description chart

Homework: Study for Lab Practical

Thursday, May 26

Lab Practical

Meiosis guided Reading

Homework: Work on Guided Reading

Friday, May 27

Lab Practical

Meiosis Guided Reading

Homework: Work on Guided Reading Due Tuesday

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of May 16, 2011




Important Information:

  • Lit Circles: I have groups meeting each day please refer to the Discussion Director/Illustrator schedule guide to find out when your student's group meets. It was sent home as well as posted on my blog. In order to participate in the weekly meeting you must have your Packet 100% COMPLETE and have the novel in class with you.




Monday, May 16

I The Other Side of Truth group
has their second meeting today

Lit Circles Work Time


Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing. A Single Shard, Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting Tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Tuesday, May 17

8th Period: A Single Shard Lit Circle Meeting #2

Lit Circle Work Time

Vocabra: Divide up 12 Words with a Partner

Code Talker 2 group get your Socratic seminar articles today


Homework: Write 6 Vocabra sentences with YOUR 6 words. The extra credit letter to your Lit Circle Author is due tomorrow. Remember- it must be typed and you need to also bring in an addressed envelope with postage on itJ Code Talker 2 meeting #2 tomorrow


Wednesday, May 18

Turn in Extra Credit Letter

Lit Circle Work Time

8th Period Code Talker 2 meets

Read Socratic Seminar Article: "Should Kids Hunt"

Mark/Highlight "Should Kids Hunt"


Homework: Read "Should Kids Hunt" again! Tomorrow is the field trip- you need to remember your lunch $ and dress for the weather! . Shabanu and Code Talker 1 meeting #3 postponed until Friday 8th Period


Thursday, May 19 (Shortened Class due to Field Trip)

Lit Circle Work Time


Homework: Write TWO high level discussion questions about "Should Kids Hunt" for the Socratic Seminar Tomorrow. You must have your marked article and 2 questions in class with you to participate in the seminar. Code Talker- your third lit circle is TOMORROW.

Friday, May 20

8th Period: Code Talker 1, Shabanu, and Breadwinner meeting #3

All other lit circle groups have lit circle work time


9th Period: Socratic Seminar- Should Kids Hunt?


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of May 16, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook.
  • Notebooks were not collected last week due to students requesting more time to complete bean and corn drawings. After communicating with students notebooks will be collected this week.
    If you do not talk to me this week I will assume you are finished with all of lesson 7 and all bean and corn drawings
  • There will be a Lab Practical Test starting on May 26 and gong through May 28
  • Please return all science books to me as soon as possible if you have an ourstanding book you will not receive your last report cards.
  • If the book is lost it will cost $30.00


Monday, May 16



Homework: finish class work, if necessary


Tuesday, May 17



Homework: finish class work, if necessary


Wednesday, May 18

Plant dissection

Dicot vs Monocot


Homework: Catch up notebook and talk to me if you need to finish


Thursday, May 19



Homework: Finish labeling drawing, if necessary


Friday, May 20



Homework: Have a Wonderful Weekend!



Monday, May 9, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of May 9, 2011




Important Information:

  • Lit Circles: I have groups meeting each day please refer to the Discussion Director/Illustrator schedule guide to find out when your student's group meets. It was sent home as well as posted on my blog. In order to participate in the weekly meeting you must have your Packet 100% COMPLETE and have the novel in class with you.
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12. You can include your Lit Circle novel on this log even though we haven't finished it.


Monday, May 9

The Other Side of Truth has their first meeting today

Vocabra- Write 12 Detailed Sentences

Lit Circles Work Time

Vocabra Charades


Homework: Finish sentences, if necessary. A Single Shard meeting #1 tomorrow! Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Tuesday, May 10

A Single Shard meets 8th period

Discuss Week #1 Meetings: Tips for Next Week

Lit Circle Work Time


Homework: Work on Lit Circles. Field Trip Permission Slips for School House Rock is due tomorrow!!!! Code Talker 2 meeting #1 is tomorrow; Remember, you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Wednesday, May 11

Code Talker 2 meets 8th period

Lit Circle Work Time

White Board Sentences

Media Center 9th Period- Check Out/Return Books


Homework: Finish your Reading Log- due tomorrow! Don't forget to get your parent signatures on the log. You CAN count your Lit Circle Novel on the Reading Log even though we have not finished it. Shabanu and Code Talker 1 meeting #2 tomorrow; Remember, you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting


Thursday, May 12

Code Talker 1 and Shabanu meeting #2 8th period

Turn in Reading Log

Lit Circle Work Time

Spelling Race


Homework: Breadwinner - your second lit circle is TOMORROW. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting. Everyone else- work on your Lit Circles

Friday, May 13

Vocabra List #14 Tests

9th Period:     Breadwinner- Lit Circle meeting #2

        All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles. The Other Side of Truth meeting #2 is Monday.

Health Unit this week 5/9-5/13

I will be collecting notebooks on Wednesday 5/11 make sure you have all of your bean/corn drawings (8 drawings of each colored, labeled, measured, and described) I will also be checking in heading, focus, apply, and explore [Drawings] sections for 7.1-7.4 (spyrogyra, Elodea, onion leaf, Human cells.)

A 20 point Extra Credit Assignment was introduced today during Health class. The project completed in its entirety is due on May 23rd no exceptions. This project is to be completed by students on their own.

Student may work with a partner, but they will have to create a digital narrative for the project and may not do a paper brochure.

This project includes a 5 min presentation requirement.

Please refer to the Health syllabus for other homework assignments this week.

Mr. Morrell

Friday, May 6, 2011

Shabanu …with Ms. Galo Meeting will be held on Thursdays


Discussion Director


Caroline Galo

Thursday, May 19

Thursday, May 26

Chardonnay Leark

Thursday, May 5

Thursday, May 19

Navya Mohlajee

Thursday, May 26

Thursday, May 12

Keith White

Thursday, May 12

Thursday, May 5


Code Talker…with Ms. Thornton Meetings will be held on Thursdays


Discussion Director


Sam Thornton

Thursday, May 12

Thursday, May 5

Jeremiah Kennedy

Thursday, May 19

Thursday, May 26

Anna Long

Thursday, May 26

Thursday, May 12

Henry Johnson

Thursday, May 5

Thursday, May 19

Nathnael Bhooshi

Thursday, May 5

Thursday, May 12


The Other Side of Truth…with Ms. Hawkins/Ms. Ross Meetings will be held on Mondays and one Friday


Discussion Director


Charles Hawkins

Monday, May 9

Friday, May 27

Jimmy Kumpin

Monday, May 16

Monday, May 23

Jack Runyun

Monday, May 23

Monday, May 9

Grace Halverson

Friday, May 27

Monday, May 16

Will Hoffenkamp

Monday, May 16

Monday, May 23


Breadwinner…with Ms. Petrosino Meetings will be held on Fridays


Discussion Director


Mia Petrosino

Friday, May 20

Friday, May 27

Maja Hampton

Friday, May 6

Friday, May 20

Ryan Murray

Friday, May 13

Friday, May 6

Leah Brumfeild

Friday, May 27

Friday, May 13


Code Talker 2…with Ms. Loud Meetings will be held on Wednesdays


Discussion Director


Irwin Loud

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday, May 18

David Trisko

Wednesday, May 11

Wednesday, June 1

Shayna Deluc

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday, May 11

Nathan Thompson

Wednesday, May 18

Wednesday, May 25

Maya Gary

Wednesday, June 1

Wednesday, May 11




A Single Shard…with Ms. Bromley Meetings will be held on Tuesdays


Discussion Director


Katherine Bromley

Tuesday, May 18

Tuesday, May 31

Alejandra Serratos

Tuesday, May 31

Tuesday, May 25

Mia Williams

Tuesday, May 10

Tuesday, May 18

Levi Neibuger

Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday, May 10

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of May 2, 2011




Important Information:

  • We are beginning Literature Circles this week! Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time! All groups meet on Tuesdays during 8th period however Code Talker will meet on Fridays during 9th period. In order to participate in the weekly meeting you must have your Packet 100% COMPLETE and have the novel in class with you.
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.


Monday, May 2

Introduce List #14 Vocabra

Introduce Packets for Lit Circles

Introduce Authors- Complete Author Activity

Assign Books Code Talkers, Shabanu, Breadwinner


Homework: Finish your Lit Circle Author Activity.


Tuesday, May 3

Assign Books to Remaining Groups

Review Lit Circle Terms

Lit Circle Work Time

Meet with Week 1 Discussion Directors

Meet with Week 1 Illustrators


Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing- Using the WORD itself


Wednesday, May 4

Team 6-3 Meeting

Vocabra Word Story- Topic is Reality Shows

Lit Circle Work Time

Brainstorm Words for "Year in Review: Team 6-3"


Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading, Code Talker 1 and Shabanu has their first meeting tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Thursday, May 5

No Reading due to MAP Testing


Homework: Breadwinner- your first lit circle is TOMORROW. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Friday, May 6

Vocabra Quickie Skits

9th Period:     Code Talker- Lit Circle

        All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.