Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of May 16, 2011




Important Information:

  • Lit Circles: I have groups meeting each day please refer to the Discussion Director/Illustrator schedule guide to find out when your student's group meets. It was sent home as well as posted on my blog. In order to participate in the weekly meeting you must have your Packet 100% COMPLETE and have the novel in class with you.




Monday, May 16

I The Other Side of Truth group
has their second meeting today

Lit Circles Work Time


Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing. A Single Shard, Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting Tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Tuesday, May 17

8th Period: A Single Shard Lit Circle Meeting #2

Lit Circle Work Time

Vocabra: Divide up 12 Words with a Partner

Code Talker 2 group get your Socratic seminar articles today


Homework: Write 6 Vocabra sentences with YOUR 6 words. The extra credit letter to your Lit Circle Author is due tomorrow. Remember- it must be typed and you need to also bring in an addressed envelope with postage on itJ Code Talker 2 meeting #2 tomorrow


Wednesday, May 18

Turn in Extra Credit Letter

Lit Circle Work Time

8th Period Code Talker 2 meets

Read Socratic Seminar Article: "Should Kids Hunt"

Mark/Highlight "Should Kids Hunt"


Homework: Read "Should Kids Hunt" again! Tomorrow is the field trip- you need to remember your lunch $ and dress for the weather! . Shabanu and Code Talker 1 meeting #3 postponed until Friday 8th Period


Thursday, May 19 (Shortened Class due to Field Trip)

Lit Circle Work Time


Homework: Write TWO high level discussion questions about "Should Kids Hunt" for the Socratic Seminar Tomorrow. You must have your marked article and 2 questions in class with you to participate in the seminar. Code Talker- your third lit circle is TOMORROW.

Friday, May 20

8th Period: Code Talker 1, Shabanu, and Breadwinner meeting #3

All other lit circle groups have lit circle work time


9th Period: Socratic Seminar- Should Kids Hunt?


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

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