Monday, May 9, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of May 9, 2011




Important Information:

  • Lit Circles: I have groups meeting each day please refer to the Discussion Director/Illustrator schedule guide to find out when your student's group meets. It was sent home as well as posted on my blog. In order to participate in the weekly meeting you must have your Packet 100% COMPLETE and have the novel in class with you.
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12. You can include your Lit Circle novel on this log even though we haven't finished it.


Monday, May 9

The Other Side of Truth has their first meeting today

Vocabra- Write 12 Detailed Sentences

Lit Circles Work Time

Vocabra Charades


Homework: Finish sentences, if necessary. A Single Shard meeting #1 tomorrow! Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Tuesday, May 10

A Single Shard meets 8th period

Discuss Week #1 Meetings: Tips for Next Week

Lit Circle Work Time


Homework: Work on Lit Circles. Field Trip Permission Slips for School House Rock is due tomorrow!!!! Code Talker 2 meeting #1 is tomorrow; Remember, you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.


Wednesday, May 11

Code Talker 2 meets 8th period

Lit Circle Work Time

White Board Sentences

Media Center 9th Period- Check Out/Return Books


Homework: Finish your Reading Log- due tomorrow! Don't forget to get your parent signatures on the log. You CAN count your Lit Circle Novel on the Reading Log even though we have not finished it. Shabanu and Code Talker 1 meeting #2 tomorrow; Remember, you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting


Thursday, May 12

Code Talker 1 and Shabanu meeting #2 8th period

Turn in Reading Log

Lit Circle Work Time

Spelling Race


Homework: Breadwinner - your second lit circle is TOMORROW. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting. Everyone else- work on your Lit Circles

Friday, May 13

Vocabra List #14 Tests

9th Period:     Breadwinner- Lit Circle meeting #2

        All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles. The Other Side of Truth meeting #2 is Monday.

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