Monday, May 9, 2011

Health Unit this week 5/9-5/13

I will be collecting notebooks on Wednesday 5/11 make sure you have all of your bean/corn drawings (8 drawings of each colored, labeled, measured, and described) I will also be checking in heading, focus, apply, and explore [Drawings] sections for 7.1-7.4 (spyrogyra, Elodea, onion leaf, Human cells.)

A 20 point Extra Credit Assignment was introduced today during Health class. The project completed in its entirety is due on May 23rd no exceptions. This project is to be completed by students on their own.

Student may work with a partner, but they will have to create a digital narrative for the project and may not do a paper brochure.

This project includes a 5 min presentation requirement.

Please refer to the Health syllabus for other homework assignments this week.

Mr. Morrell

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