Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of May 16, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook.
  • Notebooks were not collected last week due to students requesting more time to complete bean and corn drawings. After communicating with students notebooks will be collected this week.
    If you do not talk to me this week I will assume you are finished with all of lesson 7 and all bean and corn drawings
  • There will be a Lab Practical Test starting on May 26 and gong through May 28
  • Please return all science books to me as soon as possible if you have an ourstanding book you will not receive your last report cards.
  • If the book is lost it will cost $30.00


Monday, May 16



Homework: finish class work, if necessary


Tuesday, May 17



Homework: finish class work, if necessary


Wednesday, May 18

Plant dissection

Dicot vs Monocot


Homework: Catch up notebook and talk to me if you need to finish


Thursday, May 19



Homework: Finish labeling drawing, if necessary


Friday, May 20



Homework: Have a Wonderful Weekend!



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