Monday, December 17, 2007

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 12/17

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 17, 2007

Important Information:
o The students will have a vocabulary test over chapters 12-20 on Wednesday, December 19.
o Students will take a Red Fern Comprehension Test on Thursday, December 20.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Wednesday, January 9. Be sure to read over winter break!
o Differentiation projects are due on Friday, December 21.
o The student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive; it ends on 12/20.

Monday, December 17
Spelling Lesson 28: Pre-Test
Read and Discuss Chapter 18
Chapter 16-18 Comprehension Questions
Chapter 19-20 Vocabulary

Homework: Spelling Lesson 28: Part A (page 123)

Tuesday, December 18
Read and Discuss Chapters 19-20
Vocabulary Review

Homework: Chapter 19-20 Comprehension Questions. Study for your chapter 12-20 vocabulary test.

Wednesday, December 19
Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test
Review Where the Red Fern Grows
Spelling Lesson 28: Part B (pages 123-124)

Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test

Thursday, December 20
Where the Red Fern Grows Comprehension Test
Write Chapter 21 for Where the Red Fern Grows- due tomorrow (1pg Min- 2pg Max)
Spelling Review

Homework: Study for Spelling Test. Finish writing Chapter 21 for Where the Red Fern Grows- due tomorrow

Friday, December 21
Spelling Lesson 28: Post Test
Present Chapter 21 of Where the Red Fern Grows

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WINTER BREAK! I will see you next year!

Science Syllabus 12/17

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 17, 2007

Important Information:
• Please bring in any used tennis balls for extra credit!
• Remember to get any remaining supplies from the mousetrap cars from my room this week!

Monday, December 17
Part 2 of estimating water on planet earth

Homework: finish estimating water activity, if necessary

Tuesday, December 18
How Much Fresh Water?
Water Conservation

Homework: Finish How Much Fresh Water?, if necessary
complete: Activity Three: Focus Questions for The Water Planet

Wednesday, December 19
Read Heat and Matter Packet
Heat and Matter Directed Reading

Homework: Finish Heat and Matter Directed Reading, if Necessary

Thursday: December 20
Review Matter and Heat Packet and Directed Reading
States of Matter Notes
States of Matter Game

Homework: None

Friday, December 21
Weather Gone Wild: Lightning

Homework: Have a Wonderful Winter Break

Monday, December 10, 2007

12/10 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 10, 2007
Important Information:
o Report cards were given to students on Dec. 7th; please be sure to review and sign your child’s report card.
o Students will take a chapter 1-11 vocabulary test on Tuesday, December 11. The students will have a vocabulary test over chapters 12-20 on Wednesday, December 19.
o Students will take a Red Fern Comprehension Test on Thursday, December 20.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Wednesday, January 9.
o Last week I offered a differentiation opportunity to selected students who have exhibited the ability to work independently and produce outstanding products. They will be required to complete the novel Where the Red Fern Grows by Tues., Dec. 11th,and pass a comprehension test, with a 90% or higher. Students are still expected to complete the vocabulary activities and odd questions in the packet, but it will not be due until Dec.17. Students participating in the differentiated activities will receive a variety of projects to complete this week that will be due on Fri., Dec. 21.
o Our advisories have adopted a family in order to provide holiday gifts for families or senior citizens. Students are asked to contribute money to purchase the items for the family. Please check with your child regarding how much money is requested.
o The student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive; it ends on 12/20.

Monday, December 10
Chapter 11 POP QUIZ
Chapter 11 Comprehension Questions
Chapter 12-13 Vocabulary
Read and Discuss Chapter 12

Homework: Chapter 12-13 Comprehension Questions #1-5. Study for the Chapter 1-11 vocabulary test.

Tuesday, December 11
Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test
Read and Discuss Chapter 13
Chapter 12-13 Comprehension Questions # 6-10

Homework: Figures of Speech with Local Flavor

Wednesday, December 12
Chapter 14-15 Vocabulary
Read & discuss Chapter 14
Drawing of Figures of Speech with Local Flavor

Homework: Read Chapter 15 and complete Chapter 14-15 Comprehension Questions

Thursday, December 13

Homework: Read Chapter 16

Friday, December 14
Chapter 15-16 POP QUIZ
Chapter 16-18 Vocabulary,
Read and Discuss Ch. 17, complete questions (# 1-4)
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

12/3 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 3, 2007

Important Information:
• You need your science books in class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week.
• Please donate any used tennis balls you may have so we can shift our tables around noiselessly!

Monday, December 3
Quiz on speed, velocity, and acceleration
Mousetrap Car Q and A

Homework: Put the finishing touches on your lab report

Tuesday, December 4
Review Procedure section

Homework: None

Wednesday, December 5
Review proper Graphing techniques

Homework: None

Thursday: December 6
Review Results Section

Homework: Turn in Lab Report

Friday, December 7
Brainstorm: What is El NiƱo
Weather Movie

Homework: Get Report Card Signed! And Relax, you finished your Mousetrap Lab!!!!!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

12/3 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 3, 2007

Important Information:
o Report cards will be given to students on Dec. 7th. Please sign and return the report card envelope on Monday, December 10th. Jayhawk signatures will be given.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Friday, December 21st
o I will be offering a differentiation opportunity, only to selected students who have exhibited the ability to work independently and produce outstanding products. They will be required to complete the Red Fern book by Monday, December 10th and pass our Red Fern comprehension test, with a 90% or higher. Students are expected to complete only the odd questions and vocabulary activities in the blue packet, but it will not be due until December 17th.
o Our advisories have adopted a family or senior citizen in order to provide holiday gifts for them. Students are encouraged to contribute a designated amount to purchase the items for our family. You will receive information about it from your child’s advisory teacher.
o The Student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive. The Book Drive ends on December 20th.
o We are desperately in need of Kleenex tissues. If you have a spare box please send us one.

Monday, December 3
Reading: Read & discuss Ch. 5 and complete questions (# 5 – 8)
Spelling Lesson 7: Pretest and discuss rule on p. 32
Homework: Reading- Ch 4-5 vocab. puzzle
Record of Billy’s Earnings handout - due Thursday

Tuesday, December 4
Reading: Review homework; Intro Ch 6-7 vocab., read, & discuss Ch. 6; Do Active Reading Handout
Spelling Lesson 7: Part B – p. 33
Homework: Reading – Ch. 6 -7 questions (# 1- 3)
Spelling – Finish Pt. B p. 33, if necessary

Wednesday, December 5
Reading: Review homework; Ch. 6-7 vocab.,activity, read & discuss Ch. 7
Go to library to check out books
Spelling Lesson 7: Review Pt. B - p. 33
Homework: Reading- Finish questions for Ch.6-7 (# 4 – 10)

Thursday, December 6
Reading: Review homework; Ch 8 & 9 vocab., read and discuss Ch. 8; Begin questions (# 1-5)
Spelling Lesson 7: Part C – p. 34
Homework: Reading- Finish Ch. 8 questions, if necessary, and read Ch. 9
Study for spelling test on Friday

Friday, December 7- Report Cards go home today
Reading: Vocabulary, read, and discuss Ch. 10, complete questions (# 1-4)
Spelling Lesson 7: Test
Brief Cast Assembly today
Homework: Finish Ch 10 Questions (# 1-4)
Read Ch. 11 and be prepared for a pop-quiz on only Ch. 11 on Monday

Monday, November 26, 2007

11/26 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
• Quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration on Monday December 3
• A lunch time review session fro the quiz will be held on Friday Nov, 30
• Typed rough draft of the procedure section is due on Friday Nov 30 along with a typed initial and final material list and an initial and final blueprint.
• Final Lab Report is due December 5
• Official time trials are Wednesday November 28, Good luck!

Monday, November 26
Final Days of Mousetrap construction

Homework: Finish speed, velocity, and acceleration worksheets

Tuesday, November 27
Absolutely last chance to tweak your car
Work with your group on final blueprint (make sure they are similar)
Fill in any gaps in your procedures

Homework: Type your initial and final material lists, and your procedure due Friday.

Wednesday, November 28
Time Trails today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homework: finish your procedure section and begin your rough draft for the results section

Thursday, November 29
Field Trip to the Hellenic Museum!

Homework: Procedure rough draft due tomorrow remember it must be typed! Along with your final material list and your final blueprint.

Friday, November 30
Discuss your results and conclusion section as a class and with your group
Notes: Newtons laws and Inertia
Review for Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration test on Monday
Mousetrap Q and A

Homework: Finish up your Lab reports and study for the quiz

11/26 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
o Permission slips for our upcoming trip to Greek Town on Nov. 29th , were sent home last week. Money and permissions slips will be collected by your child’s reading teacher. It is due by Tuesday. Please send cash only.
o Our third reading Log is due on Friday, November 30th. Remember, if your child wants to include the Greek Myth book he/she must read the entire book.
o We will begin a new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, this week. Students will be given a blue Red Fern packet to complete as indicated below. I am recommending that each child put the packet in a separate folder that has fasteners, for safekeeping. Finally, please do not encourage your child to read ahead of our class due to certain prediction activities. You will be notified about enrichment opportunities at a later date.
o We are beginning our new marking period this week. Report cards go home Dec. 7th.

Monday, November 26
Reading: Introduce author and new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows
Make a prediction and discuss vocabulary for Ch. 1; Introduce Word Wall Words
Finish Hercules Movie
Homework: Reading- Begin Word Wall handout- due Thursday

Tuesday, November 27
Reading: Pre-reading discussion, read, and discuss Ch. 1
Grammar: L/Network book- Punctuation- “Periods and End Marks” pp 206-207; Take notes
Homework: Reading – Ch. 1 odd questions #’s 1, 3, 5, and 7
Grammar – L/Network book- Finish Pt A – top of p. 208, if necessary

Wednesday, November 28
Reading: Review homework, figurative language handout
Introduce Ch. 2 vocabulary, read, and discuss Ch. 2
Grammar: L/Network book- Pt. B Bottom of p. 208
Review rules- “Commas in sentences” pp. 209-211 begin Pt. A top of p. 211
Homework: Reading- Finish reading Ch. 2 & odd questions # 1 - 7
Finish Word Wall handout

Thursday, November 29
Reading: Review homework, read and discuss Ch. 3; begin odd questions # 9-13 and finish vocabulary; Review word wall handout
Grammar: L/Network book- Finish Pt. A top of 211 and discuss
Homework: Reading- Finish Ch. 3 questions, if necessary
Study for Word Wall test on Friday

Friday, November 30
Reading: Take Word Wall test; Ch. 4 Pre-reading, read, and discuss Ch. 4
Complete questions # 1-4
Grammar: L/Network book- Do Pt. B – bottom of p. 211
Homework: None

Friday, November 9, 2007

11/12 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 12, 2007

Thank you in advance to all of the parents that are coming out to help. This is going to be a fun and constructive week for all involved!

Monday, November 12
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Tuesday, November 13
Periods 1 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Wednesday, November 14
Periods 2 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Thursday: November 15
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Friday, November 16
Periods 1 and 3, Period 1 only, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial.

Homework: Start working on the rough draft of the procedure section for your lab report.

Monday, November 19
Periods 2 and 3, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial

Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Tuesday, November 20
Review Calculating speed, velocity, and acceleration

Homework: Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday but remember, we have our final time trials on Wednesday, November 28 and your ENTIRE lab report is due on Wednesday December 5.
When we return you will have Monday and Tuesday for last minute adjustments So collect what you will need over the break. You should have both material lists typed and both blueprints drawn neatly and labeled after that.

Monday, November 5, 2007

11/5 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 5, 2007

Important Information:
o Students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book. This sheet is due on Monday November 12.
o Students will begin working on a project for the Greek Myths this week. This project will be due on Thursday, November 15.
o Students will take a Minor Gods Comprehension and Vocabulary Test on Friday, November 16.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due November 9. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods by November 9. On Monday November 12, enrichment students will receive a writing assignment that will be due on Tuesday, November 20.
o The third Reading Log is due on November 30.

Monday, November 5
Vocabulary for Eos, Helios, Selene, and Pan
Read Eos and Helios
Media Center for book return and Check out
Word Wall 5

Homework: Read Selene and work on Minor Gods handout

Tuesday, November 6
Vocabulary for Echo, Syrinx, The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs, and Orpheus
Read Pan and Echo
Capitalization Mixed Review

Homework: Read Syrinx and work on Minor Gods handout

Wednesday, November 7
Collect boxes from major gods
Capitalization: Write a letter
Write 5 sentences using Minor Gods Vocabulary
Introduce Greek Myth Project- due November 15

Homework: Capitalization Proofreading. Work on Greek Myth Project.

Thursday, November 8
Review Grammar Homework
Read The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Asclepius
Work on Minor Gods Handout
Word Wall boxes are due

Homework: Read The Nine Muses. Work on Greek Myth Project

Friday, November 9
Read Orpheus and The Muses
Finish Minor God Sheet
Study for Buzzword Test

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Work on Myth Project

11/5 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 5, 2007

Important Information:
• All materials for mousetrap cars are due by Friday, November 9. Don’t forget to bring in a shoebox to store your groups materials.
• Your first list of materials is due on Tuesday, November 6. Each group member needs a copy of the list and I also need a copy.
• Your first blueprint is due on at the end of class on Wednesday, November 7. Each member of the group should make their own blueprint- they should be the same design.
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Students will need their science book on Thursday and Friday of this week

Monday, November 5- signed parent letter due tomorrow.
Review speed and velocity worksheet
Mousetrap Car groups are assigned
Work on 1st list of materials

Homework: Finish 1st list of materials- due tomorrow, study for quiz, and finish speed and velocity page

Tuesday, November 6
Discuss Lab Report Requirements
Quick Quiz on speed, velocity, and acceleration

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 7
Mousetraps are due today.
Work on Blueprints- due at the end of class
Sign group contracts today

Homework: Finish Mousetrap car blueprint

Thursday: November 8
Notes on Newton’s Laws of physics
Review Acceleration/Speed/Velocity Practice

Homework: Directed reading pages 36-42

Friday, November 9
Review directed reading pages 36-42
Discuss section review from pages 8 and 10
All Materials for Mousetrap Cars are due today!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! We begin construction on Monday!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/29 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 29, 2007

Important Information:
o On Tuesday, there will be a comprehension test over the first section of myth book, up to p. 69.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due Nov. 9th. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods.
o Students wishing to retake their pictures will take retake their pictures on Tuesday Oct. 30 and must return the pictures in order to retake them.
o Students have received a letter in their Thursday’s packet, regarding appropriate Halloween costumes, behavior, and informing them they need to donate a can good if they plan to wear a costume on Halloween. Children are not allowed to bring candy to school on Halloween.
o All students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book.

Monday, October 29
Review for test- Jeopardy Game
Spelling Lesson 5: Take Spelling pretest and discuss p. 24
Homework: Reading- Study for test and reading logs are due on Tuesday
Spelling: P. 25 Pt A

Tuesday, October 30
Reading: Take myth test. Read p. 70 -71 in myth book and make a prediction
Scary Story Graphic Organizer and Story
Spelling Lesson 5: Review P. 25 Pt. A and do Pt. B
Homework: Writing Your Scary Story

Wednesday, October 31
Reading: Review pp.70-71, vocabulary, read, & review Prometheus myth
Prometheus comprehension handout
Values handout regarding Prometheus myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review Pt. B
Homework: Spelling P. 26 Pt. C (Top)– Dictionary only

Thursday, November 1
Reading: Vocabulary, read, & review Pandora myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review homework and review for test
Homework: Read Deucalion myth
Spelling –Study for test

Friday, November 2 - Schedule Change – Reading /LArts in A.M. (teachers will explain)
Reading: Read and discuss Prometheus poem
“Think Pair Share” activity- regarding Prometheus, Pandora, & Deucalion myths
Spelling Lesson 5: Take spelling test
Homework: None

10/29 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 29, 2007

Important Information:
• We are beginning to discuss Mousetrap Cars this week. All parents should have received a calendar of due dates at the end of last week. Any help you can offer with this project will be greatly appreciated!

Monday, October 29
Review Bubble Gum Lab
Lab: The tortoise and The Hare

Homework: Finish The Tortoise and The Hare, if necessary

Tuesday, October 30
Review The Tortoise and The Hare
Determining Acceleration

Homework: Finish Determining Acceleration, If necessary
Speed and Velocity Practice 1-5

Wednesday, October 31
Review Determining Acceleration
Review Speed and Velocity
Finish reviewing Directed Reading 4-10

Homework: Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Thursday: November 1
Review Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: None

Friday, November 2 (First Fridays: Julian Spirit Day!)
Introduce Mousetrap Cars
Select Groups
View Car Samples
Review Directed Reading 36-42

Homework: Get Parent Letter about Mousetrap Cars signed due-Tuesday Nov. 6

Monday, October 22, 2007

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 22, 2007

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group must take a test over the first section to show mastery. If they receive a score above 90%, they will be assigned a variety of differentiated projects and activities to complete.
o Students will take a Greek Myth Vocabulary Test on Friday, October 26. They will have a comprehension test over the first section of myths on Tuesday, October 30.
o This is Red Ribbon Week. Each day of the week has a theme for students to follow to show they are drug free. Please note the themes listed below.

Monday, October 22 (Wear Red)
Media Center to Check Out and Return Books
Review Element Chart: Hephaestus through Athena
Complete Element Chart for Apollo and Artemis
Word Wall 4 quiz will be on Wednesday of this week

Homework: Study for myth vocabulary test, Complete Word Wall Chart Due Wednesday

Tuesday, October 23 (Hawaiian Day)
Vocabulary, Read, and Chart Hermes and Hades
Review Capitalization of First Words and Titles: Language Network pgs 189-190
Complete Practice and Apply page 191
Review Word Wall Words

Homework: Grammar in Math, study for Word Wall Quiz

Wednesday, October 24 (Crazy Hair Day)
Vocabulary, Read, and Chart Persephone and Dionysus
Review Element Chart
Word Wall Quiz

Homework: Greek Myth Vocabulary Crossword

Thursday, October 25 (Twin Day)
Review Capitalization of Places and Transportation: Language Network pgs 193-194
Complete Parts A and B page 195
Myth Venn Diagram Activity

Homework: Study for your vocabulary test. Finish the Venn Diagram, if necessary.

Friday, October 26 (Sports Team Day)
Greek Myth Vocabulary Test
Gods of Olympus Sheet
Review Capitalization of Organizations and Other Subjects: L/Network pgs 196-197
Complete Practice and Apply pg 197

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Study for Greek Myth Comprehension Test.

10/22 Science Syllabus Revised

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 22, 2007

• Start collecting materials for your mousetrap cars. Bring things that you think will make good wheels, axles, and bodies. Also bring in a box or container to keep your materials in.
• You will need your textbook Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Monday, October 22
Construct a bar graph form the centripetal force lab results
Current Events in Super Science Scholastic Magazine

Homework: Read Pages 4-7

Tuesday, October 23
Begin Speed and Velocity Notes
Notes and vocabulary on gravity and motion

Homework: Read pages 8-10

Wednesday, October 24
Directed Reading pages 4-10

Homework: None

Thursday: October 25
Finish review of directed reading 8-10
Finish Speed and Velocity Notes
FYI: We didn't get to speed and velocity practice this week so we will pick it up when we get back next week.

Homework: None

Friday, October 26
Bubble Gum physics

Homework: Finish Bubble Gum physics, if necessary

Friday, October 12, 2007

10/15 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 15, 2007

Important Information:
o Progress reports were sent home last Friday. Please sign and return it to me.
o Greek Myth book will be assigned today. Please send a 2 gal Ziploc bag with your child or buy one from me for 25 cents.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Don’t forget that conferences are this week, Thursday Oct. 18th. If you have not signed up for a conference please get In touch with me a.s.a.p.
o Our read-a-thon and P.J. day is Friday, Oct. 19th. Besides bringing several good books to read, students may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal. He/she may also bring a healthy snack.
o On Monday, I gave selected students the opportunity to participate in an enrichment group for the Greek Myths. Students participating in this group must thoroughly read and chart the first section of the book (up to page 69), and be ready to take a test on the material on Monday, Oct. 22nd. If the student passes the test he/she will work independently on several projects, and then finish reading the rest of the Greek Myth book.

Monday, October 15
Spelling- Take pretest for Lesson 4 and discuss p. 20
Reading- Vocabulary for Hera, Hephaestus, & Aphrodite, read and discuss myths, and do charts
Homework: Do Spelling Master 4B; read Ares myth and complete story element chart

Tuesday, October 16
Spelling- Review homework and do p. 21 Pt B and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Ares, Athena, and Poseidon. Review Ares myth then read and discuss Aphrodite and Athena myths, and do the myth element chart
Homework: Read Poseidon and complete story element chart

Wednesday, October 17
Spelling- Do p. 22 Build Word Power and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Apollo & Artemis. Review Poseidon myth then read and discuss Apollo and Artemis myths, and do myth charts
Homework: Spelling - Remember to study for spelling test on Friday
Finish reading Artemis myth and do chart, if necessary

Thursday, October 18 – ½ day No Class - Students dismissed at noon

Friday, October 19 – Read-a-thon and Pajama Day - ½ Day- Students dismissed at noon
Spelling – Take test for Lesson 4
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

10/15 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 15, 2007

Important Information
• Students will take a quiz covering Friction, Gravity, and Centripetal Force on Thursday, October 18.
• I will have a lunchtime review session for the quiz on Wednesday, Oct. 17.
• Students will need their textbooks on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week.
• Due to conferences, we have half-days on Thursday and Friday of this week. We will not meet for Science on Friday

Monday, October 15
Review Weight and Mass on other planets
Review Directed Reading pages 21-25

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 16
Lab: Centripetal Force

Homework: Finish Centripetal Force Lab, if necessary

Wednesday, October 17
Review Centripetal Force Lab
I will hold a lunchtime review session today!

Homework: Study for Quiz on Friction, Gravity, and Centripetal Force

Thursday: October 18
Quiz today on Friction, Gravity, and Centripetal Force!
Half-Day Today!
Conferences Today!

Homework: None

Friday, October 19
Due to the half-day schedule we will not meet for science today.

Homework: None

Friday, October 5, 2007

10/9 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 8, 2007

Important Information:
o Confirmation of conference times were sent home on Tuesday, Oct 2. Please let me know if you are unable to attend at that time. If you have yet to sign up for a conference please contact me.
o We will begin reading the Greek Myths this week. Students must have a two-gallon Ziploc bag to store their books in. If you do not have one at home you can purchase one from me for 25 cents.
o Students will take a grammar test on Thursday, October 11
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o If your student received a D or lower on the Seedfolks, he/she must get it signed by a parent. It was given back to only those students, last week. Please sign and return it to me a.s.a.p.

Monday, October 8- No School due to Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 9
Language Network book -Fragments and run-ons
Do Pt. A Concept Check and Challenge on p. 25 in L/Network book
Introduce D’Aulaires’ book of Greek Myths and elements of a myth
Read and discuss In Olden Times & Gaea short stories
Complete Greek Myth story element chart
introduce word wall words
Homework – Study for diagramming/grammar test

Wednesday, October 10
Review for diagramming test on Thursday
Discuss “Show Me What You Know” survey
Copy vocabulary and read Titans myths
Complete Greek Myth story element chart
Homework – Study for diagramming/grammar test
Finish myth chart, if necessary

Thursday, October 11 - Stuffing Day
We will prepare (stuff) our portfolios for conferences on Oct. 18th.
Take diagramming/grammar test
Copy vocabulary for Cronus & Zeus myth
Read and discuss Cronus myth
Homework- Finish myth chart, if necessary

Friday, October 12
word wall sheet is due
word wall quiz
Complete fragment and run-on worksheet
Review chart for Cronus myth
Read & discuss Zeus and His Family myth and complete chart
Homework – None

10/9 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 8, 2007

Important Information:
o Students need their Science Text Book in class on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
o Students will take a science test covering Friction and Gravity on Thursday, October 18th.

Monday, October 8
No School!!! Columbus Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 9
The Fall of Galileo
Introduction to Gravity

Homework: none

Wednesday, October 10
Notes: Gravity

Homework: Read pages 21-25

Thursday: October 11
Directed Reading: Gravity, pages 21-25

Homework: Finish directed reading, if necessary

Friday, October 12
A Weighty Problem
Your Mass & Weight on Another Planet

Homework: Finish Your Mass & Weight on Another Planet, if necessary

Monday, October 1, 2007

10/1 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 1st, 2007

• You will need your Science textbook on Thursday of this week.
• Remember to bring your green science notebook to class every day

Monday, October 1
Friction Lab

Homework: Finish Friction Lab, if necessary

Tuesday, October 2
Friction Lab
Graphing the Friction Lab results

Homework: Finish Friction Lab Graph, if necessary

Wednesday, October 3
Friction notes
Discuss Friction Lab results

Homework: Friction Action worksheet

Thursday: October 4
Directed Reading, Friction pages 15-20

Homework: Finish directed reading. If necessary

Friday, October 5
Science Vocabulary quiz
Introduction to Gravity

Homework: Enjoy your Weekend!

10/1 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 1, 2007

Important Information:
o Confirmation of conference times will be sent home on Tuesday, Oct 2. Please let me know if you are unable to attend at that time. If you have yet to sign up for a conference please contact me.
o We will begin reading the Greek Myths next week. Students must have a two-gallon Ziploc bag to store their books in. If you do not have one at home you can purchase one from me for 25 cents.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students will take a grammar test on Thursday, October 11.
o If you plan to send in a treat for the class on your child’s birthday, please be sure that you send in a healthy snack (i.e. veggies, fruit, pretzels, goldfish, etc.). If you have any questions please call or email me.

Monday, October 1
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 3
Discuss Spelling Rule (page 16) and Complete Part A
Socratic Seminar Expectations
Begin Reading and Marking Singapore Whipping

Homework: Continue Reading and Marking Singapore Whipping. You must have your article thoroughly marked and with you in class on Wednesday in order to participate in the Socratic Seminar. Write at least two thought provoking questions that relate to the Singapore Whipping article.

Tuesday, October 2
Spelling Lesson 3 Part B
Socratic Seminar: Singapore Whipping

Homework: none

Wednesday, October 3
Media Center Computers- Learn how to log into computers
Media Center Tables- Return, check out, and/or read pleasure books

Homework: Build Word Power- Spelling Master 3B

Thursday, October 4
Review Spelling Master 3B
The Watsons go to Birmingham- 1963 Foreshadowing Activity

Homework: Study Spelling Words

Friday, October 5 (SPIRIT DAY!!!)
Today we will attend an assembly so we will only have one period of LA/Rdg.
Spelling Test: Lesson 3
What do you know about the Greek Myths?

Homework: Enjoy your THREE-DAY weekend!

Friday, September 21, 2007

9/24 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr.Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007

Important Information:
o Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Boyle, and I are in need of a parent from each of our classes to be our emergency caller parent. If interested, send us an email or leave a message on our voice mail. If you work at home or are easily accessible, this may be the right volunteer opportunity for you.
o Conference request forms were sent home last week, to all parents that did not attend Curriculum Night. Please complete the conference form a.s.a.p.
o Picture Day is Tues, 9/ 25. All students will take a picture for our yearbook even if he/she does not wish to purchase pictures. Remember to send the envelope and money with your child on Tuesday.
o We will discuss Bud, Not Buddy this week; be sure to have the summer reading guide completed by Friday, September 28.
o First Reading Log will be due on Thurs, 9/27. Each book must have a parent signature on the log.
o The final draft of the Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due on Friday, September 28.

Monday, September 24
Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives
Review and discuss literary terms: Protagonist, Antagonist, Theme, and Conflict
Review for Seedfolks Test: Comprehension and Vocabulary
Finish Peer Editing papers

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test

Tuesday, September 25
Seedfolks Comprehension and Vocabulary Test
Introduce Christopher Paul Curtis author of Bud, Not Buddy
Compare and contrast realistic fiction vs. historical fiction

Homework: Draw a picture of most memorable character from Bud, Not Buddy and write 2-3 sentences explaining why. The drawings must be done on unlined paper and colored neatly.

Wednesday, September 26
Discuss setting, characters, events, and resolution
Complete Bud, Not Buddy story map
Sentence Diagramming: Adverbs
Edited Seedfolks rough drafts returned, Discuss final draft

Homework: Finish your reading log- you must have parent signatures. Students should bring 2-3 items that are important to him/her; place the items in a bag. Finish story map, if necessary

Thursday: September 27
Share your 2-3 important items with the class
Discuss history of jazz and blues
Jazz and blues music activity
Write reflection regarding jazz and blues music

Homework: Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy- both due tomorrow

Friday, September 28
Review Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy
Closing activity- Write final reflection, regarding items brought to school and personal connections to Bud, Not Buddy
Sentence Diagramming: Reviewing Sentence Basics

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! I have postponed the due date of the final copy of the Seedfolks essay until Monday September 24th.

9/24 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007
Important Information:
o Students will have a science quiz on Friday, September 28. Students received a study guide for the quiz on Tuesday September 25.
o I am holding a lunchtime review session on Thursday, September 27. At the review session we will discuss and explain concepts necessary for the quiz on Friday.

Monday, September 24
Tug of War
Science Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Tug of War, if necessary

Tuesday, September 25
Notes: Opposing Forces and Vectors

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 26
Vectors Activity

Homework: The Construction Worker’s Accident

Thursday: September 27
Forces @ Work

Homework: Study for Quiz

Friday, September 28
Science Quiz including forces vocabulary and concepts

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 17, 2007

9/17 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2007

Important Information:
• Students will take a Seedfolks comprehension & vocabulary test on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
• Last Friday, students were introduced to our next assignment, writing a Seedfolks chapter. The typed rough draft of the essay is due on Friday, Sept 21 and the final draft is due on Friday, Sept 28.
• Curriculum Night is Tuesday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Each student brought home a letter with his or her schedule last Thursday.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Sept. 27. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.

Monday, September 17
Discuss good and bad examples of a Seedfolks chapter
Lesson 2: Spelling pretest
Read and chart Maricela
Continue defining Seedfolks vocabulary
Homework: Finish Maricela chart, if necessary

Tuesday, September 18
Read and chart Amir and Florence
Spelling Lesson 2: Complete page 12 and discuss spelling rule
Spelling Lesson 2: Part A
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary

Wednesday, September 19
Seedfolks character review
Spelling Lesson 2: Part B
Spelling Activity: Practice the words
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary. Work on your Seedfolks Essay
Rough Draft- due on 9/21

Thursday: September 20
Spelling Lesson 2: Part C
SPARKLE: Spelling Review Game
Review Seedfolks vocabulary. Write five detailed sentences using five Seedfolks vocabulary words not used on our Word Wall List.
Homework: Study for Lesson 2 Spelling Test. Finish your Seedfolks rough draft- it must be typed.

Friday, September 21
Media Center- Check out and return books
Lesson 2: Spelling Test
Seedfolks rough draft due today
Peer Edits of rough draft
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Science Syllabus week of 9/17

Science Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2006

• You need your science book on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
• My blog is up and running, check it out!

Monday, September 17
Notes: Force and contact and non-contact forces
Turn in worksheets from previous week.
Get your book covered by the end of the week.

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 18
Notes: Contact and Non-Contact Forces continued
Read pages 11-14

Homework: Complete the Section Review on page 14 (answer questions in your science spiral)

Wednesday, September 19
Lab: Feel the Force

Homework: Finish Lab- if necessary

Thursday: September 20
Hot Air Balloon

Homework: Directed Reading for pages 11-14
Textbook Scavenger Hunt is due Friday

Friday, September 21
Bill Nye the Science Guy: Forces

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

9/10 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of September 10, 2006


• Bad Safety Cartoon is due on Thursday, September 13.
• Students will receive Force and Motion textbook on Thursday of this week.
• Please have textbooks covered by Monday.
• Quiz Friday Sept 14: The Scientific Method, The Metric System, and Branches of Science. (Note: A question or two from Mrs. Freeze’s presentation my make it onto the quiz)

Monday, September 10
Notes: Scientific Method
Lab “What will burn longer?”
Finish and turn in inference paper

Homework: Finish what will burn longer lab and graph the results.

Tuesday, September 11
Notes: Scientific Method: Defining elements of the Scientific Method
Discuss “What will burn longer” lab and graphs.
Introduce The Metric System

Homework: Worksheet-Analyzing Elements of the Scientific Method.

Wednesday, September 12
Notes: The Metric System including prefixes and quantities

Homework: Worksheet-The Metric System pg. 17

Thursday: September 13
Hand out Force and Motion Textbooks
Work on Branches of science worksheet

Homework: Worksheet-The Metric System: matching exercise
Textbooks did not go out today! We will take care of that on Friday and please have books covered by Friday of next week.

Friday, September 14
Science quiz today: The Scientific Method, The Metric System, and Branches of Science.
“The Science Textbook Scavenger Hunt”

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!