Friday, December 12, 2008

12/15/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008
Blog: – email:

Important Information:
o Students began a Heracles time line project last Friday. It is an in-school assignment and should be completed by Tuesday, December 16.
o The differentiation group received a Hero writing assignment last week. The typed final draft is due Tuesday, December 16.
o Our students will also be a part of a play. They received the play and their parts last Thursday. Lines should be memorized and we will perform our play on Wednesday in the auditorium during 8th and 9th period.
o Last week students not in the differentiation group began a Greek Myth Project. They were given a Tic-Tac-Toe Board and told to select one of the nine project choices. It is due on Thursday, December 18. Remember this is a FINAL project so it must be of the highest quality!
o Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday, January 8
o If you have not returned the signed report card envelope, please do so a.s.a.p.
o Please let your child’s Reading teacher know if your child will be absent this week. It really helps our reporting of the attendance. Be sure to encourage your child to turn in projects prior to their absence if they will not be at school when it is collected.

Monday, December 15
Finish In-Class Heracles Timeline Project
Play Rehearsal
Greek Project Work Time
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Differentiation Group – Hero Writing Assignment is due on Tuesday.
Non Differentiation Group: Continue to work on Greek project-due Thursday

Tuesday, December 16
Differentiation Group: Hero Project Due Today
Participate in Team 6-3 Olympics
Play Rehearsal, time permitting
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Work on Greek Myth Project – due Thursday, December 18.

Wednesday, December 17
Present Plays in Auditorium
Homework: Finish Greek Myth Project – due Thursday

Thursday, December 18
Tic-Tac-Toe, Greek Project is due today.
Begin Watching Hercules Movie
Homework: Students may bring a store brought, healthy snack to share on Friday.

Friday, December 19 (Report Cards TODAY)
Continue Watching Hercules Movie
Homework: Have a SUPER winter holiday. Be sure to relax and enjoy your holiday.

12/15/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008

Important Information:
Bring your Forces, Motion, and Energy Textbook Tuesday Dec. 16 to turn in. You must turn this in to get your textbook for the Weather unit.

Monday, December 15
Bill Nye: Momentum

Homework: None

Tuesday, December 16
Turn in Physics textbooks
Brainstorm: What is El Niño
Short Film: Chasing El Niño

Homework: None

Wednesday, December 17
Finish Chasing El Niño, if necessary
Estimating how much water is on Earth

Homework: finish How Much Water? If necessary

Thursday, December 18
Activity: How Much Fresh Water?

Homework: Finish How Much Fresh Water, if necessary

Friday, December 19
Weather Gone Wild!

Homework: Winter Break, Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it is wonderful and restful for you and your loved ones! Come back ready to work.

12/8/08 Reading and Language Arts

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 8, 2008
Important Information:
o There will be a Greek Myth Minor God Vocabulary Test for all students on Monday, Dec 8.
o Students will take Greek Myth Minor God Comprehension Test on Wednesday, December 10. As we read the minor gods section of the novel students have a handout they must complete. The handout must be completed by Wednesday December 10.
o This week students will begin a Greek Myth Project. They will receive a Tic-Tac-Toe Board with nine project choices. They are to select the project that best fits their learning style and complete it by Thursday, December 18. Remember this is a FINAL project so it must be of the highest quality!
o Students in the differentiation group will receive a writing assignment this Tuesday Dec. 9th. The final typed draft is due on Tuesday Dec. 16.
o Fourth Reading Logs will be due on Thursday, January 8.

Monday, December 8
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 7
Minor Gods Vocabulary Test
Media Center Back Tables: 9th Period

Homework: Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test- on Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 9
Read and Discuss The Nine Muses and Orpheus
Spelling Master 7B
Review for Minor Gods Comprehension Test

Homework: Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test- tomorrow! Make sure your Minor Gods Handout is complete- I will collect it tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10
Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test
Assign Greek Myth Projects- due Thursday, December 18
Spelling Page 34 Part C
Introduce Greek Plays- performance will be on Wednesday, December 17

Homework: Work on Project. Prepare for upcoming play.

Thursday, December 11
Read Heracles Myth
Spelling Master 7A
Review for Spelling Test
Read Pleasure Books

Homework: Study for Spelling Test. Prepare for play! Work on Project.

Friday, December 12 (Report Cards TODAY)
Introduce In-Class Project: Heracles Timeline
Work on Greek Play

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! Get your Report Card Envelope SIGNED this weekend!

12/8/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008

Important Information:
Bring your Forces, Motion, and Energy Textbook Tuesday Dec. 16 to turn in. You must turn this in to get your textbook for the Weather unit.

Monday, December 15
Bill Nye: Momentum

Homework: None

Tuesday, December 16
Brainstorm: What is El Nino
Chasing El Nino

Homework: Finish Acceleration worksheet, if necessary

Wednesday, December 17
Periods 3: Acceleration Worksheet, Newtonian physics Notes

Period 1: Review Acceleration worksheet, Review Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: Period 3: Finish Acceleration Worksheet, if necessary

Thursday, December 18
Review Acceleration worksheet, Review speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: Study for Quiz

Friday, December 19
Quiz today! Speed, Velocity, And Acceleration

Homework: Have a Great Weekend!

Monday, December 1, 2008

12/1/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 1, 2008
Important Information:
o There will be a Greek Myth Minor God Vocabulary Test for all students on Monday, Dec 8.
o Students will take Greek Myth Minor God Comprehension Test on Wednesday, December 10. As we read the minor gods section of the novel students have a handout they must complete. The handout must be completed by Wednesday December 10.
o The differentiation projects are due on Tuesday, December 9. Students will then be assigned a differentiation writing assignment on December 4- this will be due on 12/16.
o Third Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, December 2.
o Permission Slip and Money for the Greek Town Field Trip is due on Wednesday, December 3.

Monday, December 1
Introduce Minor Gods Handout- due 12/10
Vocabulary Notes: Prometheus, Pandora, and Deucalion
Read and Discuss Prometheus
More Practice with Commas in Sentences (handout page 164)

Homework: Read Pandora. Your Reading Log with parent signatures is due tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 2
Reading Log #3 due
Vocabulary: Eos, Helios, and Selene
Read and Discuss Deucalion and Eos
Language Network Book: Read page 212 and complete page 213 Part A

Homework: Read Helios Continue working on Minor God Handout. Greek Town Permission Slip and Money- due tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 3
Read and Discuss: Selene and Pan
Vocabulary: Pan, Echo, and Syrinx
Language Network Book: Read pages 214 to 216

Homework: Punctuating Quotations: Application (handout page 171)

Thursday, December 4
Media Center Computers 9th Period
Review Grammar Homework
Read and Discuss Echo
Vocabulary: Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Orpheus
Study for Vocabulary Test

Homework: Read Syrinx

Friday, December 5
Read Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Asclepius
Semicolons and Colons (handout pages 172-173)

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! Study for your Vocabulary Test on Monday.

12/1 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 1, 2008

Important Information:
• Quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration on Friday Dec. 12
• A lunch time review session fro the quiz will be held on Thursday Dec. 11
• Final Lab Report is due December 5 this will include all the sections included in the Mousetrap car Lab Report Layout sheet.
• Official time trials went very well and everyone seemed to have a great time!

Monday, December 1
Go over the Results, Graph, and Conclusion sections in your paper
Review procedure Sections

Homework: Finish final materials lists and blueprint

Tuesday, December 2
Discuss Results with your group
Example Graph on overhead
Review Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: Type Results and Conclusion Sections

Wednesday, December 3
Mousetrap car Q and A
Final concerns about mousetrap Car Lab Report should be brought up today
Cont. Review on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: Wrap up Mousetrap Car Lab Report

Thursday, December 4
Worksheet Determining Acceleration
Review Directed Reading pages 3-10

Homework: Mousetrap Car Lab Report is Due Tomorrow!

Friday, December 5
Review Directed Reading pages 43-51
Turn in Mousetrap Lab Report Today!

Homework: Your Mousetrap Lab Report is Finished! WooHoo!

Friday, November 21, 2008

11/17/08 Science Syllabi

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
1st period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
1st period Time Trials
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap car Construction

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
No Science

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
Finish Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Continue Graphing, Results Section, and Conclusion
Final Tweek Day Car Must be up and Running!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
No Science

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
2nd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
No Science
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap car Construction
2nd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
Intro Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
No Science

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
3rd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
3rd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
No Science

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

11/17/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 MR. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over.
o Students will be assigned a detailed Venn Diagram Activity on Tuesday Nov. 18 and Due Friday Nov. 21
o We offer a differentiation option for students. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 17
Vocabulary Notes: Hermes and Hades
Read and Chart Apollo
Spelling Pretest
Review: Athena and Poseidon

Homework: Read and Block Artemis

Tuesday, November 18
Vocabulary Notes: Persephone and Dionysus
Review: Apollo and Artemis
Read and Block Hermes
Introduce Venn Diagram Activity Due Friday Nov. 21

Homework: Read and Block Hades

Wednesday, November 19
Review Hermes and Hades
Read and Block Persephone and Dionysus
Spelling Chapter 6 Part A

Homework: Begin Studying for Test on Friday and Work on Venn Diagram

Thursday, November 20
Review Persephone and Dionysus
The Gods of Olympus Worksheet
Mythology Jeopardy!

Homework: Study for test and Complete Venn Diagram

Friday, November 21
Spelling Test Chapter 6
Mythology Major Gods Test
Read Ahead Group Test on Major and Minor Gods
Mythology Vocabulary Crossword

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
Remember Only 2 Days Next Week

11/10/08 Science Syllabi

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
1st period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
No Science Today

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008
2nd period

Important Information:
• Students will need to have Their books on Friday Nov. 14th
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!

Monday, November 10
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 11
No School Veteran’s Day

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 12
Begin Acceleration Notes

Homework: speed and velocity worksheet

Thursday: November 13
Field Trip!

Homework: None

Friday, November 14
Directed Reading pages 36-42 Newtonian Physics

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!
Finish Directed Reading, if Necessary

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 17, 2008
3rd period

Important Information:
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!
• Make sure to write down any changes made to your car throughout this process so you can effectively write your procedure section!
• Final Time Trails are Tuesday November 25th

Monday, November 17
Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
1st period Time Trials

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 18
Cont. Acceleration Notes
Mousetrap Car Construction
3rd Period Time Trial

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 19
No Science

Homework: None

Thursday: November 20
No Block Schedule Mousetrap Car Procedure Section, and Graphs

Homework: Begin Writing Procedure Rough Draft

Friday, November 21
Procedure, Graphing, Results, and Conclusion Sections
Mousetrap Construction

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! Work on Mousetrap Procedure Section

Monday, November 24
Final Tweek Day! Official Time Trials Tomorrow

Tuesday November 25
Final time Trial

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/10/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 MR. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over. I’ve returned the quarters I’ve received thus far.
o We will offer a differentiation option for students on Wednesday. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Students must return their Red Fern books in order to receive a Greek Myth book.
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 10
Vocabulary Notes: Athena
Read and Chart Aphrodite and Ares
L/Network – Punctuation: “Periods and Other End Marks” pp. 206-207

Homework: Punctuation - Do pp. 208 Pt A and B – due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11 – No School- Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 12
Media Center 9th
Vocabulary Notes: Poseidon
Read and Chart Athena
L/Network – Punctuation: Review Homework
“Commas in Sentences” pp. 209 - 210

Homework: Punctuation – Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check – due Friday

Thursday, November 13
Mathemagic Field Trip Follow-up Activity
Movie: Remember the Titans

Homework: Remember– Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check is due Friday

Friday, November 14
Read and Chart Poseidon
Vocabulary Notes: Apollo and Artemis
L/Network – Punctuation: Review homework and complete Pt. B Mixed Review p. 211

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
You may wish to begin studying for Major Gods test next Friday, Nov. 21st.

Monday, November 3, 2008

11/3/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 3, 2008

Important Information:
• All materials for mousetrap cars are due Friday, November 7. Don’t forget to bring in a shoebox to store your groups materials.
• Your first list of materials is due on Tuesday, November 4. Each group member needs a copy of the list and I also need a copy.
• Your first blueprint is due on at the end of class on Wednesday, November 5. Each member of the group should make their own blueprint- they should a similar design, but do not need to be exact. It should include a top and side view.
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will introduce and revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• You must have your parent permission slip Today Monday Nov. 3
• Block Scheduling begins Mon Nov. 3 and goes until Friday Nov. 21
• We are not blocking Nov. 13th (fieldtrip) or Nov. 14 (I will be out that day). Also no school Nov. 11 due to Veterans Day
• Mousetrap construction all of this week!

Monday, November 3- signed parent letter due tomorrow today! (Period 1 and 2)
Begin speed and velocity Notes first 5 min
Review a bit of directed reading
Mousetrap Car groups are assigned
Work on 1st list of materials and blueprints
Continued discussion on Lab Report Requirements

Homework: Finish 1st list of materials- due next class

Tuesday, November 4 (Periods 3 and 1)
Speed and Velocity Notes first 5 min
Continue Discussion Lab Report Requirements
Period 1: Speed and Velocity Worksheet due next class, sign group contracts

Homework: Finish Speed and Velocity Worksheet (We didn't get to this, We will pick it up at a later date. It is a little too much during construction and I have decided to focus on the cars, the paper, and notes only and will continue with concepts toward the end of November.)

Wednesday, November 5 (Periods 2 and 3)
Mousetraps are due today.
Work on Blueprints- due at the end of class
mousetrap construction
Sign group contracts today

Homework: none

Thursday: November 6 (Periods 1 and 2)
mousetrap consruction

Homework: none

Friday, November 7 (Periods 3 and 1)
Mousetrap construction
All materials must be in class by today for everyone!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend!

11/03/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 3, 2008

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, November 4. Please be sure to log all of your books and get a parent signature for each book you read. Don’t forget to log Where the Red Fern Grows (you do not need to get a parent signature or answer a question for in class books).
o Students will have a grammar test on Wednesday, November 5. The test will cover subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments, and capitalization.
o We are beginning a new unit on the Greek Myths this week! We will offer a differentiation option for students next week.

Monday, November 3
Spelling Lesson 5: Pre-Test
What Do You Know About the Greek Myths?
Introduce Greek Myth Unit
Greek Myth Capitalization Practice
Continue Where the Red Fern Grows movie

Homework: Finish your Reading Log- it is due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Study for your grammar test.

Tuesday, November 4
Collect Reading Log #2
Introduce Greek Myth Element Chart
Read Olden Times and Gaea
Complete Element Chart for Gaea
Finish Where the Red Fern Grows movie
Review for Grammar Test

Homework: Study for the grammar test tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5
Grammar Test
Vocabulary Notes: Titans, Cronus, and Zeus & His Family
Read and Chart Titans and Cronus
Spelling Page 25 Part B

Homework: Spelling Master 5A

Thursday, November 6
Vocabulary Notes: Hera and Hephaestus
Read and Chart Zeus & His Family
Spelling Rows Review Game

Homework: Study for your Spelling Test Lesson 5

Friday, November 7 (First Friday: Julian SPIRIT DAY!)
Spelling Lesson 5 Test
Read and Chart Hera and Hephaestus
Vocabulary Notes: Aphrodite and Ares
Read Pleasure Books- start working on next months reading log

Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! The Fall Dance is after school today in the commons from 4-6.

Monday, October 27, 2008

10/27/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 27, 2008

Important Information:
o All students began a Red Fern project last week. The project will be due on Friday, October 31.
o Students will take a Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, October 28 and a Comprehension Test on the entire novel on Thursday, October 30.
o Red Fern Differentiation: Students received a Tic-Tac-Toe Board containing differentiated activities. Each student selected 3 projects to complete. The final projects are due on Friday, October 31.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, November 4.
o Students will have a grammar test on Wednesday, November 5. The test will cover subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments, and capitalization.
o Remember it is Red Ribbon SPIRIT WEEK! Say no to DRUGS!

Monday, October 27 (Kick off RRW: Red Day)
Language Network Book: Organization and Other Subjects pgs 196-197
Complete Cloze Vocabulary Review (in back of packet)
Chapter 19-20 Comprehension Questions
Capitalization Mixed Review

Homework: Work on Red Fern Projects. Study for Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28 (Winners Don’t Do Drugs: Sports Team Day)
Review Cloze Vocabulary Review
Red Fern Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test
Red Fern Project Work Time: Media Center 8th Period

Homework: Read your pleasure book and work on your reading log- it is due in one week! Continue working on Final Red Fern Project.

Wednesday, October 29 (Drugs are Wack: Wacky EVERYTHING Day)
Grammar in Math
Review Red Fern Comprehension
Begin Reading “Should Kids Hunt?”

Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test (Chapters 1-20). Bring in Field Trip Permission Slip and Money- due tomorrow!

Thursday, October 30 (Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Drugs: Twin Day)
Where the Red Fern Grows Comprehension Test
Mark Socratic Seminar Article “Should Kids Hunt?”
Media Center 9th Period: Check Out and Return Books

Homework: Finish your Red Fern Project- due tomorrow.

Friday, October 31 (Say BOO to Drugs: Costume Day)
Language Network Book: Mixed Review page 30 part A and Practice Mastery Test page 31
Socratic Seminar: Should Kids Hunt?
Begin Red Fern Movie

Homework: Have a VERY HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

10/27/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 27, 2008

Important Information:
• We are beginning to discuss Mousetrap Cars next week. All parents should have received a calendar of due dates last week. Any help you can offer with this project will be greatly appreciated!
• Science Quiz Tuesday Oct. 28 on Gravity and Friction. Lunch Time review session will be held on Monday Oct. 27 during lunch
• Spirit Week this week make sure to show your school spirit!!!

Monday, October 27
Graphing Centripetal Force Lab
Review Mass and Weight on other planets

Homework: Finish Graphing, if necessary Due Wednesday Oct 29 and Study for Quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, October 28
Quiz Today

Homework: Read pages 4-7

Wednesday, October 29
Directed Reading pages 4-7

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday: October 30
Review Directed Reading pages 4-7
Begins Speed and Velocity Notes

Homework: None

Friday, October 31 Happy Halloween!!!
Introduce Mousetrap Cars
Select Groups
View Car Samples
Finish speed and Velocity Notes

Homework: Get Parent Letter about Mousetrap Cars signed due-Monday Nov. 3. Have a Fun and Safe Halloween Weekend

Friday, October 17, 2008

10/20/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 20, 2008

Important Information
. *There is no School on Tuesday Nov. 11 due to Veteran's Day so I will not need volunteers on that day.
• Students will take a quiz covering Friction, Gravity, Buoyancy, and Centripetal Force on Tuesday Oct 28th.
• I will have a lunchtime review session for the quiz on Monday Oct 27th.
• Students will need their textbooks on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week.
• Due to conferences, we have half-days on Thursday and Friday of this week. We will not meet for Science on Friday

Monday, October 20
Pass out informational sheets on mousetrap cars! I
Weight and Mass on other planets
Review Directed Reading pages 21-25

Homework: Finish Weight and Mass on different planets

Tuesday, October 21
Lab: Centripetal Force

Homework: Finish Centripetal Force Lab, if necessary

Wednesday, October 22
Review Centripetal Force Lab

Homework: None

Thursday: October 23
Bill Nye: Buoyancy
Half-Day Today!
Conferences Today!

Homework: None

Friday, October 24
Due to the half-day schedule we will not meet for science today.

Homework: None

Friday, October 10, 2008

10/13 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 13th, 2008

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday Nov 4th.
o Students participating in the Where the Red Fern Grows differentiated group must take a test over the novel to show mastery on Thursday October 16th. If they receive a score above 90%, they will be assigned a variety of differentiated projects and activities to complete. Students must complete the odd comprehension questions and all of the vocabulary activities in the blue Where the Red Fern Grows packet by Wed October 22nd.
o Students will take a Where the Read Fern Grows Vocabulary Test on Chapters 1-11 Tuesday October 14th. Students were given a list of vocabulary words to study on Friday.

Monday, October 13
No School!
Columbus Day
Homework: Study for Red Fern vocabulary test

Tuesday, October 14
Capitalization: People and Cultures, Language Network pages 186-188
Complete practice and apply People and Cultures
Vocabulary test on chapters 1-11
Read and Discuss Ch. 11
Active Reading Characterize Billy Coleman
Homework: Complete Active Reading, Ch. 11 comprehension questions 5-9

Wednesday, October 15
Capitalization: First Word and Titles
Complete practice and apply First Words and Titles
Word Wall Review paper
Figurative Speech With Local Flavor Sheet
Ch. 12 and 13 Prereading
Read and Discuss Ch. 12
Homework: Read Ch. 13 and complete Ch 12 and 13 Vocabulary Crossword

Thursday, October 16
Review Capitalization of Places and Transportation Language Network pages 193-195
Complete practice and apply Places and Transportation
Red Fern Comprehension Questions Ch 12 and 13
Review Figurative Speech with Local Flavor
Chapter 14 and 15 Prereading and Vocabulary
Read and Discuss Chapter 14
Media Center to return and check out books
Homework: Ch14 Comprehension Questions 1-5

Friday, October 17
Word Wall Quiz on weeks 1 through 4 moved to next week
Compare and Contrast Old Dan and Little Ann: Venn Diagram
Read and Discuss Chapter 15
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

10/13 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of October 13, 2008

Important Information:
o Students need their Science Text Book in class all of this week.
o Progress reports went out Friday 10/10

Monday, October 13
No School!!! Columbus Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 14
Science Vocabulary
Graphing Friction lab results

Homework: Finish Bar Graph, if necessary

Wednesday, October 15
The Fall of Galileo
Introduction to Gravity
Notes: Gravity

Homework: None

Thursday: October 16
Notes: Gravity
Directed Reading: Gravity, pages 21-25

Homework: Read pages 21-25

Friday, October 17
Directed Reading pages 21-25

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

10/6/08 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 6, 2008

Important Information:
• Great job on your first reading log! Your second one is due on Tuesday, November 4.
• Students who have turned in their Seedfolks novel will be assigned a Red Fern novel on Monday, 10/6. It is very important that students do not read ahead. At the end of the week we will introduce a differentiated read ahead activity for eligible students who are interested.
• Students will have a quick comprehension quiz over chapters 1-7 on Wednesday, October 8. They will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, October 14.
• Don’t forget that conferences are on Thursday, October 23. Students will be given a copy of the conference schedule this week- be sure to check your conference time and call/email me with if there is a conflict with your time.

Monday, October 6
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 3
Read and Discuss Chapter 5
Review Chapter 4-5 Vocabulary
Chapter 4-5 Comprehension Questions #5-8
Introduce Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary Words

Homework: Read Chapter 6

Tuesday, October 7
Read and Discuss Chapter 7
Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Questions
Complete Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary
Spelling Page 17 Part A
Word Wall week 4

Homework: Study for Chapter 1-7 Red Fern Quiz

Wednesday, October 8
Quick Quiz: Red Fern Comprehension Chapters 1-7
Complete Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 8
Chapter 8-9 Comprehension Questions #1-5
Spelling Page 17 Part B

Homework: Finish Class work, if necessary.

Thursday: October 9
Introduce Chapter 9-10 Vocabulary Words
Read and Discuss Chapter 9
Spelling Master 3A

Homework: Study for Spelling Test Lesson 3, Word Wall Week 4 is due tomorrow!

Friday, October 10
Spelling Test: Lesson 3
Introduce Differentiated Read Ahead Assignment
Read and Discuss Chapter 10
Chapter 9-10 Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary
Go over Word Wall Week 4


Monday, October 6, 2008

10/06/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 6, 2008

• You will need your Science textbook on Thursday of this week.
• Remember to bring your green science notebook to class every day

Monday, October 6
Force Quiz Today!

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 7
Directed Reading, Friction pages 15-20

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Wednesday, October 8
Review Directed Reading
Review Friction notes
Science Vocabulary

Homework: Friction Action worksheet

Thursday: October 9
Friction Lab

Homework: Finish Friction, if necessary

Friday, October 10
Graphing Friction Lab results
Discuss Friction Lab Results

Homework: Enjoy your Weekend!

Friday, September 26, 2008

9/29/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus Revised
Week of September 29, 2008
Important Information:
o I am going to Postpone the Quiz until Monday October 6th
o Students will have a science quiz on Monday October 6th. Students received a study guide for the quiz on Wednesday October 1st.
o I am holding a lunchtime review session on Friday October 3rd. At the review session we will discuss and explain concepts necessary for the quiz on Monday.

Monday, September 29
Hot Air Balloon activity
Center of Gravity/Balance discussion

Homework: Finish Hot Air Balloon, if necessary

Tuesday, September 30
Notes: Finish notes on Opposing Forces and Vectors
Contact and Non-Contact forces

Homework: None

Wednesday, October 1
Lab: Tug-of-War
Hand out Quiz study guide

Homework: Finish Tug-of-War lab, if necessary

Thursday: October 2
Vector Activity

Homework: The construction Workers Accident

Friday, October 3
Lunchtime Review Session Today!
Forces @ Work

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!
Study for the Quiz on Monday!

Monday, September 22, 2008

9/22/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 22, 2008
Important Information:
• Students will be having a quiz on forces, forces vocabulary, and vectors on Thursday, Oct 2nd
• There will be a lunchtime review session for the quiz Wednesday Oct 1st.

Monday, September 22
Review Directed Reading, do the section review questions
Review Friction Notes
Scavenger Hunt

Homework: finish textbook Scavenger Hunt

Tuesday, September 23
Notes: Forces
Review scavenger hunt

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 24
Lab: Feel the Force

Homework: finish Feel the Force, if necessary

Thursday: September 25
Hot Air Balloon
Forces Vocabulary

Homework: None

Friday, September 26
Lab: Tug-of-War

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

9/22/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 22, 2008

Important Information:
• Last week students were introduced to our Seedfolks writing assignment. The second typed rough draft will be due on Tuesday Sept 23. I will edit their second draft and return it to students by Thursday, September 25. The final draft is due on Wednesday Oct 1. Remember you must turn in the peer-editing sheet and teacher edited draft with your final copy.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Oct 2nd. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.
• Picture Day is on Tuesday, September 23.

Monday, September 22
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 2
Spelling Page 13 Part A
Review Word Wall Week 1
Begin Literary Concept Notes

Homework: Finish making peer corrections to your Seedfolks Essay- the 2nd Draft is due tomorrow. Remember Picture Day is tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 23 (PICTURE DAY!!!)
2nd Seedfolks Essay Draft is due
Finish Literary Concept Notes
Introduce Word Wall Week 2
Spelling Master 2B

Homework: Read your pleasure book and work on your reading log.

Wednesday, September 24
Work on Reading Logs
Beyond the Reef Text: Year Walk pages 208-220

Homework: Spelling Page 15: Build Word Power

Thursday: September 25
Return Seedfolks Drafts Today
Media Center 9th period back tables

Homework: Study for Spelling Test, Word Wall Week 2 due tomorrow

Friday, September 26
Review Word Wall Week 2
Spelling Test: Lesson 2
Identify Literary Concepts from notes in Year Walk

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Work on Final Draft Edits- the FINAL DRAFT is due on Wednesday, Oct 1st.

Monday, September 15, 2008

9/15/08 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of September 15, 2008

• You need your science book on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
• My Blog is up and running, check it out!
• Science Quiz on Tuesday, Scientific Method and The metric System

Monday, September 15
Review Metric System Sheet
More on the Metric System

Homework: Study for Science Quiz

Tuesday, September 16
Science Quiz Today!

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 17
Science Lab Materials Lab

Homework: Finish Lab- if necessary
Read Pages 11-14 in text

Thursday: September 18
Contact vs. Non-Contact Forces
Directed Reading Pages 11-14 and Section Review

Homework: Finish Directed Reading for pages 11-14, if necessary

Friday, September 19
Notes: Forces

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

9/15/08 Reading and Langugae Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 15, 2008

Important Information:
• Students will take a Seedfolks comprehension & vocabulary test on Thursday, Sept. 18th.
• This Monday, students will be introduced to our next assignment, writing a Seedfolks chapter. The first typed rough draft of the essay is due on Friday, Sept 19 for a peer-editing session, a second typed rough draft will be due on Tuesday Sept 23 to be edited by the teacher, and the final draft is due on Wednesday Oct 1.
• Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Each student will bring home a letter with his or her schedule on Tuesday Sept. 16th. Students should not attend Curriculum Night.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Oct 2nd. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.

Monday, September 15
Final Vital Statistics is due today
Introduce Seedfolks writing assignment
Discuss good and bad examples of a Seedfolks chapter
Seedfolks Prewriting Assignment
Writing Time

Homework: Begin Writing Seedfolks Rough Draft

Tuesday, September 16
Write out parent Curriculum Night Schedules
Introduce Word Wall assignment due Friday Sept 19th
Write sentences with Seedfolks vocabulary words

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test, Seedfolks Review Worksheet

Wednesday, September 17
Review Seedfolks character review sheet
“Fire Line” Activity
peer-edit Seedfolks vocabulary sentences

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test.

Thursday: September 18
Seedfolks Test
Pg 6 and 7 in Language Network book, Introducing complete subject and predicate

Homework: Word Wall sheet due tomorrow
Work on your Seedfolks Essay
Rough Draft- due tomorrow for peer-editing session

Friday, September 19
Go over Word Wall sheet
Peer-edit 1st Seedfolks Rough Draft
Review Language Netword books page 7
Language Network book pages 8 and 9 apply and practice part a and b

Homework: Finish your Seedfolks 2nd rough draft- it must be typed and peer-edited corrections made, due on Tuesaday Sept 23rd.

Friday, September 5, 2008

9/8 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008


• Bad Safety Cartoon is due on Friday, September 12.
• Students will receive Force and Motion textbook on Friday of this week.
• There will be a Science Quiz on Tuesday Sept 16 on the metric system and the scientific method.

Monday, September 8
Lab “What will burn longer?”
Correct and Discuss Bar Graph

Homework: We did not begin the inferring packet so it will not be assigned as homework.

Tuesday, September 9
Notes: Scientific Method: Defining elements of the Scientific Method
Notes: Science Vocabulary

Homework: Worksheet-Analyzing Elements of the Scientific Method.

Wednesday, September 10
finish Scientific method Notes
Introduce the Metric System
Notes: The Metric System including prefixes and quantities

Homework: No homework today we did not get through the Metric System Introduction. Worksheet-The Metric System matching will be assigned at a later date.
sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday: September 11
Finish Notes as necessary
The Metric System Worksheet pg. 17

Finish the Metric System worksheet started in class, if necessary
Bad Science Cartoon to Due tomorrow!

Friday, September 12
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Hand our Force and Motion Textbooks

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

9/8 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Mr. Morrell - Team 6-3
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*You will find my syllabi posted on the above website.
*The edited Vital Statistics draft will be returned by Tuesday, Sept 9th. The typed final copy will
be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have a computer, please plan to use the public library.
*Don’t forget, our library is now open for students to check out books, do homework, research,
use computers, etc. everyday except Wednesday's from 8 - 8:50 A.M. Students must wear their I.D and bring their planner to the library with proof the student/parent contracts have been read &signed.
*There will be a Seedfolks test on Thursday, September 18th.
*Students received their Reading Logs last week and their first Reading Log is due on October 2nd.
Students must read 2 or more books and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (information will be sent home soon)
*Homework Club begins Tuesday Sept 9th with Mrs. Alexander

Monday, September 8 –
Spelling pre-test- Lesson 1
Spelling - Part A (only)-top of page 9
Read Sae Young story and complete chart, including character traits
Homework: Finish spelling Pt. A - p. 9, if necessary

Tuesday, September 9
Read Curtis and Nora story and complete chart, including character traits
Spelling -Review Pt. A- p. 9
Return Vital Statistics survey and discuss
Homework: Finish Curtis and Nora story and chart, if necessary

Wednesday, September 10
Seedfolks activity # 1 (a surprise)
Spelling Pt. B- bottom p. 9 and top of p. 10
Homework: Finish spelling work, if necessary

Thursday: September 11
Seedfolks activity # 2 (a surprise) & wrap-up activity # 3
Read and Amir story and complete chart, including character traits
Copy given vocabulary definitions for Seedfolks test next week
Spelling- review Pt. B p. 9-10
Homework: Study for spelling test tomorrow

Friday, September 12
Take Lesson 1 spelling post test
Read Florence story and complete chart, including character traits
Finish Seedfolks wrap-up activity and share
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/1/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Team 6-3

Important Information:
• A weekly science syllabus will go home every Monday throughout the school year. You may also access the syllabus by going to the website listed above.
• All students should have a folder and spiral (same color, Green) strictly for science. They must have their spiral and folder in class everyday.
• Lab Safety Cartoon will be due Sept. 12th

Monday, September 1
Labor Day: No School

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 2
Seating Chart
Lab Safety
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 3
Information Cards
Lab Contract
Penny Lab

Homework: Finish Penny Lab, if necessary

Thursday: September 4
Lab Safety (Next Door in Mr. Baker’s Room B202)
Introduce Lab Safety Cartoon
Review Penny Lab

Homework: Work on lab Safety Cartoon

Friday, September 5
Introduction to the Scientific Method
Observation and Hypothesis
"What will burn longer," activity.
Graphing “What will Burn Longer”

Homework: Finish what will burn longer Graphing activity, if necessary
Work on “Lab Safety” Cartoon

9/1 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Blog Website -

Important Information-Please Read:
*You will receive a syllabus in each core subject at the beginning of each week. You will find my
syllabi posted on the above website.
*Students will receive their first monthly Reading Log this week. All students are required to read 2 or
more books a month and record the books on their log, with a parent signature for each book read.
* By this Wednesday, my students should have a pleasure book that he/she has not read before. Bring
book to reading/language arts class, or plan to check one out from Ms. A or one of our core teachers.
*Please plan to bring a quart size Ziploc bag by Thursday, Sept. 4th, for our Seedfolks novel study.
Students may purchase bags from his/her teacher for 25 cents.
*A typed draft of the students' Vital Statistics survey is due by Fri. Sept. 5th to be returned back to
students by Tues. Sept. 9th. The typed final copy will be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have
a computer to type the Vital Statistics survey, please plan to use the public library.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (during school hours)
*Starting this week, our library is now open for students to check out books, do homework, research,
use computers, etc. It is open everyday except Wednesday's from 8 - 8:50 A.M. Students may not use
the computers until they receive their log-ins, which will happen by the end of the week. To be
allowed in the library in the a.m., students must wear their I.D. In order to use the computers, students must bring their planner to the library with proof the student/parent contracts have been read & signed.

Monday, September 1 - Labor Day: No School

Tuesday, September 2
Begin Vital Statistics Survey
Introduce Reading Logs
Finish pre-reading packet, read and discuss Ana story, then complete chart
Homework: Get your syllabus signed & bring pleasure book to class-due Wednesday
Finish handwritten draft of Vital Statistics survey- due Wednesday for check-in only

Wednesday, September 3
Read and discuss Ana & Wendell stories, then complete chart
Team 6-3 meeting-discuss team procedures & policies
Homework: Books will be assigned on Thurs.-You need to have your Ziploc bag in class-due Thursday

Thursday: September 4
8th period- Library orientation - Front library tables
Read & discuss Gonzalo story then complete chart
Typed Vital Statistics survey due tomorrow (I will edit it and returned it by Tues., Sept 9th)
Assign SeedFolks books (only if you have your Ziploc bag)
Homework: Vital Statistics typed draft-due Friday

Friday, September 5 – Spirit Day! - Wear Red and White or Julian Apparel
Read and discuss Leona & Sam stories, then complete chart
9th period- Library Media Center Computers-receive login information
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Parents and Guardians:
Please sign below indicating you have seen your child’s syllabi for all core subjects (reading, math, science, social studies, and language arts). This syllabus will be returned to your child the same day.

Parent signature __________________________________________Date_____________

Pre-Reading Passage
No Place for a Garden

An icy wind teetered trash cans and turned my cheeks to marble. In Vietnam we had no weather like that. Here in Cleveland people call it spring. I walked half a block, then crossed the street and reached the vacant lot.

I stood tall and scouted. I'd never entered the lot before, or wanted to. I did so now, picking my way between tires and trash bags. I nearly stepped on two rats gnawing and froze. Then I told myself that I must show my bravery. I continued farther and chose a spot far from the sidewalk and hidden from view by a rusty refrigerator. I had to keep my project safe.

Mr. Morrell is up and running for the 08-09 school year!

Go Jayhawks!

I apologize for the delay but I'm here now. You can expect to find all of your syllabi for my classes on this blog as well as some interesting information, vocabulary, and possible extra credit projects. Also feel free to post any of your own appropriate comments and critiques right here for all to see.

Thanks you for checking out my blog,
Mr. Morrell
team 6-3(the best)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5/19 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 19, 2008

Important Information:
• Our last Literature Circle will be held on next week. Please be sure to follow the due dates for your lit circle novel.
• “Book in a Container’ project will be due the day after each Lit Circle group has their last meeting.
• Our LAST Reading Log of the year is due on Wednesday, May 28.

Monday, May 19
Take poetry pretest and review
Introduce new poetry unit and various types of poetry
Lit Circle meeting/reading
Homework: Work on Lit Circles

Tuesday, May 20
Overview of poetry elements- copy in spiral
Metaphor Exercise handout
Lit Circle meeting/reading
Homework: Choose a topic and write a poem using at least one metaphor
Poem must be 10 lines or more

Wednesday, May 21
Review homework-share poems
Introduce personification- complete handout
Lit Circle meeting/reading
Homework: Finish handout, if necessary

Thursday, May 23
Personification- Read I’ve Known Rivers, by Langston Hughes
Read Jared Harris’ Spoken Word poem and discuss
Lit Circle meeting/reading
Homework: Identify metaphors and personification examples in Jared Harris’ poem & explain

Friday, May 24
Poetry: Read The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss & Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll and discuss
Lit Circle work time
Homework: None

Friday, May 16, 2008

5/19 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of May 19, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Students will take a quiz on the Nervous System on Tuesday May 27th
• A Lunch time review session will be held on Friday May 23rd

Monday, May 19
Finish Brain Notes

Homework: None

Tuesday, May 20
Read Pages 76-82 jigsaw
Draw and Label the Brain Lobes

Homework: Finish Brain Lobes Color and Label

Wednesday, May 21
Begin Brain Lab

Homework: Finish Lab Questions, if necessary

Thursday, May 22
Review Brain Lab
Directed Reading pages 76-82

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Friday, May 23
Remember lunchtime review session is today!
Brain Games

Homework: No School Monday, remember to study for your quiz on Tuesday!
Have a Wonderful and Restful Weekend!

Friday, May 9, 2008

5/12 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of May 12, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Muscular System Quiz will be held on Tuesday, May 13th
• A Study Session will be held on Monday, May 12th during lunch

Monday, May 12
Muscular System Power Point Presentation
Review Muscular System for the Quiz

Homework: Study for Quiz

Tuesday, May 13
Muscular System Quiz

Homework: None

Wednesday, May 14
Begin Brain Notes

Homework: She’s a Real Brain

Thursday, May 15
Finish Brain Notes

Homework: Keeping It All Going: The Nervous System

Friday, May 16
Bill Nye: The Brain

Homework: Have a Wonderful and Restful Weekend!

Friday, May 2, 2008

5/5 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of May 5, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Chicken Wing Dissection Lab is this week!
• It’s Spirit Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 5 (Block Periods 1 and 2)
Start Chicken Wing Dissection

Homework: None

Tuesday, May 6 (Block Periods 3 and 1)
Period 3 Begins Chicken Wing Dissection
Period 1 Dissection Review

Homework: None

Wednesday, May 7 (Normal Schedule)
Muscles WebQuest

Homework: Finish WebQuest if necessary

Thursday, May 8 (Block Periods 2 and 3)
Dissection Review

Homework: None

Friday, May 9 (Normal Schedule)
Examining a Cows Femur

Homework: Have a Wonderful and Restful Weekend!

Monday, April 28, 2008

4/28 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 28, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Bring your Science Textbook on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week.

Monday, April 28
Review Directed Reading Pages 12-15
Review Discovering Muscles

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 29
Begin Muscular System Notes

Homework: None

Wednesday, April 30
Finish Muscle Notes

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, May 1
Do you Want to or Not: Classifying Muscles
What Kind of Muscles are Those?

Homework: Finish class work, if necessary

Friday, May 2
Muscular system Web Quest

Homework: Have a Wonderful and Restful Weekend?

4/28 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 28 – May 2, 2008

Important Information:
• We will begin Literature Circles next week. I plan to do them on next Monday, May 5. I still need parent volunteers. If would like to facilitate a group please email me or give me a call. They will be held in the afternoon beginning about 2:50.
• Students will receive their edited rough drafts on Tuesday, April 29. They have one week to make all corrections; the final draft is due on Tuesday, May 6. Remember the final research paper must have the following; cover page, final draft, works consulted page, final outline, and adult edited rough draft (students will lose points if they do not have all of these items included in this order).
• The research visual aid tri-fold board is due on Thursday, May 8. Students received a rubric with all of the requirements last week.
• We are having a research fair on Monday, May 12 from 2:20 to 3:20pm. This will give all the students on the team a chance to view each other’s boards and present their information. Parents are more than welcome to attend!
• Our LAST reading log of the year is due on Wednesday, May 28.

Monday, April 28
Select Literature Circle novels
Works Consulted page requirements

Homework: Work on Visual Aid.

Tuesday, April 29
How to Lead a Lit Circle
Edited drafts returned today
Research: media center- 9th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid.

Wednesday, April 30
Assign Lit Circle groups and role dates
Introduce Packet Requirements
Media Center to check out books -8th Period
Research: Media Center-9th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid. Work on Lit Circles.

Thursday, May 1
High/Low Question Sorting activity
Lit Circle work time
Research: Go to Tech Lab- 8th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid. Work on Lit Circles.

Friday, May 2 (SPIRIT DAY!!!)
Lit Circle work time
Research: Go to Tech Lab- 8th Period
Homework: Be sure you are ready for your lit circle discussion on Monday. Remember you cannot
participate if you do not have your book and completed packet with you in class. You
will be given an alternate assignment if you have not completed the required materials.
Work Research- your final draft is due on Tuesday, May 6 and your Visual Aid is due
on Thursday, May 8.

4/21 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 21, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Bring your Science Textbook on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week.
• There will be a Quiz on the Skeletal System Tuesday, April 22
• There will be a lunchtime review session on Monday, April 21

Monday, April 21
Review the Skeletal System
What’s the Connection?
The Thigh Bone is Connected to the…
The hipbone is connected to the…

Homework: Study for the quiz on the Skeletal System

Tuesday, April 22
Quiz on the Skeletal System

Homework: None

Wednesday, April 23
Directed Reading Pages 12-15

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, April 24
No School!

Homework: None

Friday, April 25
Discovering Muscles
Send home Chicken Wing Letters

Homework: Finish Discovering Muscles, if necessary

4/21 Reading Syllabus

Reading Syllabus
Week of April 21, 2008

Important Information:
• Students must not read ahead during this novel study; students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of differentiated activities throughout the novel (these opportunities will be announced on the syllabus each week).
• There will be a Quick Quiz on Wednesday, April 23rd

Monday, April 21
Finish Reading Ch. 10
Chapter 10 vocabulary and comprehension questions

Homework: complete chapter 10 vocabulary and comprehension questions

Tuesday, April 22
Review book and work on Characterization Project

Homework: Study for Quick Quiz

Wednesday, April 23
Quick Quiz Chapters 7-10

Homework: Work on Characterization Projects

Thursday, April 24
No School

Homework: Finish Characterization Projects

Friday, April 25
Present the visual portions of your Characterization Projects

Homework: Enjoy your Weekend

4/21 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of April 21, 2008

Important Information:
• All students were required to have a Tri-Fold Presentation Board by Monday, April 21 for their research visual aid. Please turn them in a.s.a.p. if they were forgotten on Monday.
• Students will receive the visual aid rubric and requirements on Monday, April 21.
• Your typed research paper rough draft is due on Tuesday, April 22.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.
• Our student selected reading groups will conclude this Friday, April 25th. Students will return to their normal reading groups beginning next Monday, April 28th.
• I am looking for parents who would be interested in facilitating a literature circle group, starting next week. My reading students will receive a letter on Monday highlighting all the necessary details. Please return it a.s.a.p. Thanks for all your help

Monday, April 21
Introduce visual aid requirements
Study for classroom Spelling Bee

Homework: Begin working on visual aid.
Finish draft of research paper- due Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 22
Spelling Bee review
Work on visual aid

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Wednesday, April 23
Computer Lab

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Thursday, April 24
No School –Institute Day

Friday, April 25
Spelling Bee
Work on Visual Aid, time permitting

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Friday, April 18, 2008

4/14 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of April 14, 2008

Important Information:
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• All students must have a Tri-Fold Presentation Board by Monday, April 21 for the research visual aid. Students will receive the visual aid rubric and requirements on Monday, April 21.
• Your typed research paper rough draft is due on Tuesday, April 22.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, April 14
Continue Outline and Note Card Conferences
Distribute School Wide Spelling Bee Lists
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on note cards and your research paper rough draft.

Tuesday, April 15
Research Work Time

Homework: Finish your note cards- a minimum of 25 cards are due tomorrow. Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

Wednesday, April 16
Final Note Cards are due today (minimum of 25)
1st Floor Tech Lab: Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft. Finish your reading log- due tomorrow with parent signatures.

Thursday, April 17
Reading Log due
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft- the typed draft is due on Tuesday, April 22. END OF THE YEAR FIELD TRIP MONEY AND PERMISSION SLIP IS DUE TOMORROW- NO EXCEPTIONS! DON’T FORGET!

Friday, April 18
Research Work Time

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

4/14 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• Students must not read ahead during this novel study; students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of differentiated activities throughout the novel (these opportunities will be announced on the syllabus each week).
• There will be a Quick Quiz on Friday April 11

Monday, April 14
Read Chapter 8: pages 159-168
Chapter 8 vocabulary

Differentiated Activity: You will need to complete half of the vocabulary words and 1, 5, 7, 9, and 13 if it applies. Bring in a small mechanical object from home; pretend that you are from the future where man does not make things like this anymore. Describe the object as if you have no idea of what it does. Write a typed, 12point font, one page description of the object and what you believe it did for the people of the past. (due Friday)

Homework: complete chapter 8 vocabulary, if necessary

Tuesday, April 15
Finish chapter 8 and complete odd comprehension questions
Introduce characterization project

Homework: Finish Comprehension questions, if necessary

Wednesday, April 16
Begin Chapter 9 178-188 and Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Vocabulary, if necessary

Thursday, April 17
Finish Chapter 9 and comprehension questions odd

Homework: Finish Comp Questions, if necessary

Friday, April 18
Work on Characterization projects

Homework: Enjoy your Weekend

4/14 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 14, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Bring your research materials to SCIENCE on Wednesday 4/16 this week, I can and will answer any questions you may have. This will be a good time to get everything organized.
• Bring your Science Textbook on Tuesday of this week.
• There will be a Quiz on the Skeletal System April 22

Monday, April 14
Skeleton Notes and vocabulary

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 15
Finish Notes and review pages 8-11 in textbook

Homework: None

Wednesday, April 16
Work on Finishing Research note cards

Homework: None

Thursday, April 17
Skeleton Activity

Homework: Finish Skeleton Activity, if necessary

Friday, April 18
Labeling the bones and skeleton Review

Homework: None

Monday, April 7, 2008

4/7 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Bring your research materials to SCIENCE all this week, I can and will answer any questions you may have. This will be a good time to get everything organized.

Monday, April 7
Review Directed Reading pages 4-11
Discuss Body Systems
Research Note cards

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 8
Research Note cards and outline

Homework: None

Wednesday, April 9
Media Center Research

Homework: None

Thursday, April 10
Vocabulary Notes

Homework: None

Friday, April 11
Introduction to the Skeletal System
Eye Witness: Skeleton

Homework: None

4/7 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• Students will continue to work on their research projects this week. Make sure to have all of your materials with you everyday.
• 15 Note cards are due Friday, April 11 along with your typed outline
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.
• The 6th grade second trimester Honor Roll Breakfast will be held Friday morning April 11 in the commons.

Monday, April 7
First 3 source cards are due today
Introduce outline
Media Center: Tables

Homework: Continue gathering research and work on note cards and outline

Tuesday, April 8
Media Center Computers: Research

Homework: Continue gathering research and work on note cards and outline

Wednesday, April 9 (Double Period of Language Arts)
Computer lab: Research
9th period work on outlines

Homework: Finish gathering Research-15 note cards and typed outline must be completed by Friday.

Thursday, April 10
Media Center: Tables

Homework: Continue research at home

Friday, April 11
1st Floor Computers: Research

Homework: Continue working on research. Be sure you are paraphrasing all information you collect and have a source card for each and every source you use. You must have all your note cards (minimum of 25) ready to turn in on Wednesday, April 16. Enjoy your weekend!

4/7 Reading Syllabus w/ corrections

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• Students must not read ahead during this novel study; students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of differentiated activities throughout the novel (these opportunities will be announced on the syllabus each week).
• There will be a Quick Quiz on Friday April 11

Monday, April 7

Chapter 5 part 1 Comprehension Questions #1-13 odd and vocabulary
Read pages 92-110
Differentiated Activity: Chapter 5 and 6 numbers 1, 5,7,and 9 (also number 13 when applies) only, ½ the vocabulary words, and create your own Tripod; draw and color your tripod on unlined paper. Make sure the entire page is colored and a background scene is present. (Due Friday)

Homework: complete chapter 5 part II comprehension questions 1-12 odd and vocabulary

Tuesday, April 8
Review Chapter 4 and 5 comprehension questions
Read Chapter 6 part 1 pages 111-126

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 6 and complete Part 1 and 2 vocabulary and Chapter 6 part 1 and 2 comprehension questions odd only.

Wednesday, April 9
No Reading Today

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 6 and complete Part 1 and 2 vocabulary and Chapter 6 part 1 and 2 comprehension questions odd only. (Due by tomorrow)

Thursday, April 10
Review Chapter 6 comprehension
Read chapter 7 and complete vocabulary

Homework: study for quick quiz

Friday, April 11
Quick Quiz chapters 4-6
Complete chapter 7 comprehension questions

Homework: Read Chapter 8 and vocabulary

Monday, March 31, 2008

3/31 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• We will be starting a new Unit this week on the human body.
• Please bring your Weather books to class on Tuesday, April 1 so I can check them in.

Monday, March 31
Health Trivia
Introduction to health and the Human body

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 1
Turn in Weather Textbooks
Pass out Human Body Systems and Health Textbooks
Disease Q and A

Homework: Read Pages 4-11

Wednesday, April 2
Disease Q and A
Directed Reading pages 4-11
Bring your Human Body Textbook

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, April 3
Introduction to the Human Body Notes

Homework: None

Friday, April 4
Activity One: Balance Lab

Homework: Finish Lab, if necessary

3/31 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information:
• Students will take a comprehension quick quiz over Chapters 1-3 on Friday, April 4.
• All students will need a quart size Ziploc bag by Thursday April 3rd to keep their novel in.
• Students must not read ahead during this novel study; students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of differentiated activities throughout the novel (these opportunities will be announced on the syllabus each week).

Monday, March 31
Read Chapter 2: pages 20-30
Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions #1-6
Differentiated Activity: Ch. 2 or 3 comprehension questions odd only! A discussion with a vagrant.

Homework: Finish Comprehension Questions or Differentiated Activity

Tuesday, April 1
Review Chapter 1 and 2 Comprehension Questions
Finish reading chapter 2: pages 30-41 and complete comprehension questions
Chapter 3 Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 2. Read Chapter 3 and finish vocabulary. Answer Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions. Study for Chapter 1-3 Comprehension Quick Quiz.
(this must all be done by Thursday)

Wednesday, April 2
No Reading Today

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 2. Read Chapter 3 and finish vocabulary. Answer Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions. Study for Chapter 1-3 Comprehension Quick Quiz.
(Due by tomorrow)

Thursday, April 3
Check in homework and assign novels
Read Chapter 4

Homework: complete chapter 4 vocabulary and odd comprehension questions

Friday, April 4
Quick Quiz was moved to today!
Review Chapter 1-4 Comprehension Questions
Read Chapter 5 complete chapter 5 comprehension questions part 1 odd

Collect Novels

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

3/31 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards went home on Thursday, March 20; please be sure to return the signed envelope to me. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Students will all be assigned their research topic today from their top five choices. For the next two weeks we will spend time in the media center using the computers and reference books to gather our research. We will also focus on the necessary skills to research and write and research report.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, March 31
Assign Research Topics
Review Research Rubrics and Requirements
What/How do I research?
Preliminary Research

Homework: Begin Preliminary Research

Tuesday, April 1
1st Floor Computers: Research
Introduction to Source Cards

Homework: Continue gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by Thursday.

Wednesday, April 2 (Double Period of Language Arts)
Introduction to Source Cards and Media Center Reference Tools
How to Paraphrase on Notecards
Make Sample Notecards (Heart Disease)
Review Source Cards Further

Homework: Finish gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by tomorrow.

Thursday, April 3
Media Center Computers: Research

Homework: Continue research at home

Friday, April 4
1st Floor Computers: Research

Homework: Continue working on research. Be sure you are paraphrasing all information you collect and have a source card for each and every source you use. You must have all your source cards (minimum of three) ready to turn in on Monday, April 7. Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3/17 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• We are beginning a new novel this week. Each teacher is reading a different novel from which the students chose. I am reading The White Mountains.
• Students should not be reading the novels over spring break we will pick up when we return to class
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Penny Wars began on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 17
No Reading introduce research project

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 18
Introduce the author: John Christopher
Read pages 1-10

Homework: Chapter 1 vocabulary and comprehension questions 1-5

Wednesday, March 19
Read pages 11-19

Homework: comprehension questions 6-15

Thursday, March 20
Read pages 20-30
Chapter 2 vocabulary

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break! Have Fun and Relax!

Friday, March 21
No School!!!

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break!

3/17 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• We are beginning a Research Project this week. Students will receive a parent letter with all project requirements and due dates on Monday, March 17. This letter must be signed and returned to me by Wednesday, March 19.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Penny Wars began on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 17
Socratic Seminar
Finish timeline presentations
Review Research Project Requirements and Due Dates
Pass out and review Research Basic Guides

Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due Wednesday. Begin collecting research supplies; two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards- due Thursday.

Tuesday, March 18
First Floor Technology Lab: Select a Research Topic
Language Network: Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431

Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due tomorrow. Continue collecting research supplies; two- pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards. Top 5 research topics are also due on Thursday.

Wednesday, March 19
Turn in Signed Research Letter
8th period will be on the Media Center computers to begin research

Homework: You must have a two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards by tomorrow. You must also have your top five research topics selected by tomorrow.

Thursday, March 20
Top FIVE Topics due (research topics will be assigned when we return from spring break)
Two-pocket folder, Ziploc bag, and Note cards are due
Research Project Q & A
Review Language Network Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break! Have Fun and Relax!

Friday, March 21
No School!!!

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3/17 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information
• There will be a quiz on Thursday March 20 on Atmospheric Pressure, winds and the Heating of the Earth’s surface. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Wednesday March 19th.
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!

Monday, March 17
Guest Speaker

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 18
Review labs Heating of the Earth’s Surface and The Greenhouse Effect
Begin Notes on Heating of the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Study for Quiz

Wednesday, March 19
Review Previous Assignment (Directed Reading pages 10-19)

Homework: Study for Quiz

Thursday, March 20
Quiz Today

Homework: None

Friday, March 21
No School

Homework: Have a Wonderful Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3/10 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information:
• We are approaching the end of the second trimester. Students with missing work in any of their core classes who wish to turn it in for late credit must have it turned in no later than Wednesday, March 12 to receive partial credit. Report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember starting 3rd trimester Team 6-3 no longer accepts any late work.
• We are finishing our Author Study Unit this week. Completed timelines are due on Monday, March 10. Students must have their 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their typed summary essay completed by Wednesday March 12. Differentiation essays are also due on Wednesday, March 12. Students will be presenting their timelines to the class 3/12 to 3/14.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 11.
• Penny Wars begin on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 10
AS Timeline due
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 13
Discuss Spelling Rule
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Author Study projects and finish novels. Complete reading log including parent signatures. Remember you can include your AS novels with out completing a response question.

Tuesday, March 11
Spelling Page 59 Part A
Sign Up for Timeline Presentation Order
Hidden Meaning Puzzles

Homework: Finish 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their written summary- remember the summary must be typed (due tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 12
Begin Presenting Timelines
Begin Reading and Marking Socratic Seminar Article

Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Spelling Master 13A
Study for Spelling Test
Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet

Homework: Finish Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet. To participate in the Socratic Seminar tomorrow you must have your article fully marked and your activity sheet complete with you in class. Study for Spelling Test Lesson 13.

Friday, March 14
Spelling Test: Lesson 13
Finish Timeline Presentations
Socratic Seminar: Who’s Watching Your TV?

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

3/10 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information
• All late work for all core classes is due on Wednesday, March 12. This will be the last opportunity you have to turn in assignments for the 2nd trimester.
• There will be a quiz on Wednesday March 12 on Earth’s Atmosphere. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Tuesday March 11th
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!

Monday, March 10
Into to Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Read pages 10-13

Tuesday, March 11
Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Finish lab, if necessary and Study for quiz

Wednesday, March 12
Atmosphere Quiz

Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Demonstration: The Greenhouse Effect

Homework: Finish demonstration sheet, if necessary

Friday, March 14
Directed Reading pages 10-13 and the section review

Homework: Finish Lab

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2/25 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 25, 2008

Important Information
• I still need USED TENNIS BALLS for my tables and chairs...Up to 10 pts of extra credit!!!!
• A quiz on Earth’s Atmosphere will be given after the week of ISAT testing

Monday, February 25
Finish Everest: The Death Zone
Review Directed Reading Pages 4-9
Begin Atmosphere Notes

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 26
Finish Atmosphere Notes
Atmosphere Crossword

Homework: Finish crossword, if necessary

Wednesday, February 27
Review atmosphere crossword

Homework: Layers of the Atmosphere Focus Questions

Thursday, February 28
Earth’s Amazing Atmosphere

Homework: Finish Earth’s Amazing Atmosphere, if necessary

Friday, February 29
Changes in the Troposphere

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Be Safe, Be Good!

Monday, February 25, 2008

2/25 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 25, 2008

Important Information:
• Next week is ISAT testing week. Students should come to school on time, well rested, and with a healthy snack. Due to the ISAT testing schedule next week students will not receive a syllabus in any of their core classes. Their only core homework next week will be to read their author study novels and work on their timeline.
• Students must have their first AS novel read by Thursday, February 28. The plotline summary is due on Friday, February 29. The AS timeline is due on Monday, March 10.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 11.

Monday, February 25
Introduce Timeline
ISAT Practice Test: Persuasive Essay
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Author Study projects and novels

Tuesday, February 26
Media Center Computer Lab (9th Period)- Timeline Research
Vocabulary Practice: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
Author Study Work Time

Homework: ISAT Practice: Words by Themselves. Work on Author Study projects and novels.

Wednesday, February 27
ISAT Practice Test: Narrative Essay
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Read Author Study Novels- first novel must be finished by tomorrow.

Thursday, February 28
Media Center Computer Lab (8th Period)- Timeline Research

Homework: Finish Plotline Summary for first novel- due tomorrow

Friday, February 29
Poetry and Figurative Language Review
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on Author Study Novel and Timeline.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2/18 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 11, 2008

Important Information:
• Students received their edited rough draft last Wednesday. The final persuasive draft is due on Tuesday, February 19. (Sorry for the errors on last week’s syllabus). The final draft must have the edited draft and pre-writing sheets attached. It must be typed and double-spaced.
• A gold letter about our Author Study Unit was sent home with students Friday, February 15. Please be sure to view and sign the Author Study contract, which is due on Wednesday, February 20. You may keep the Author Study letter at home. All other due dates are listed on the Author Study letter and will be announced as they arrive on the syllabus. Please note, our team has decided that students should not read books that are sequels or a part of a series for their author study project.
• Be sure to bring your author study book to school everyday this week.
• Our next reading log is due on Wednesday, March 12.
• Grades will be updated for viewing by Tuesday evening. Please email me if you are unable to view them. I will send home copies of passwords with your child if you request it.
• I need tissue donated to my class to make sure all of the noses stay dry and germ free in my classes…Thank You!

Monday, February 18
No School
Homework: None

Tuesday, February 19
Discuss Author Study Requirements
Media Center- Check Out Books Read for Author Study
Homework: Continue Reading Author Study books- go to the public library if necessary. You must complete your Author Study Contract and have the books by tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 20
Check Author Study Contracts
Black History Assembly
Homework: Read Author Study novels

Thursday, February 21
Practice ISAT Test
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Read Author Study novels

Friday, February 22
Review Plot Line using Red Fern story
Work on Author Study
Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue to read Author Study novel.

Friday, February 15, 2008

2/18 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 18, 2008

Important Information
• I still need USED TENNIS BALLS for my tables and chairs...Up to 10 pts of extra credit!!!! Also check my blog for other extra credit opportunities!
• Students will take a quiz over the water cycle and clouds on Tuesday, February 19th.
• Please bring your Science Book with you on Tuesday, February 19th.
• Schedule will be flipped on Thursday the 21st.

Monday, February 18
No School!!!

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 19
Quiz Today: The Water Cycle and Clouds.

Homework: Read Pages 4-9

Wednesday, February 20
Directed Reading: The Atmosphere pages 4-9

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, February 21
Bob and The Robotic Arm
Schedule is Flipped today start with 8th and 9th period

Homework: None

Friday, February 22
Everest: The Death Zone

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Be Safe, Be Good!

2/11 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 11, 2008

Important Information
• We will go outside for a few minutes a couple of days this week to view clouds so please dress appropriately.
• I still need USED TENNIS BALLS for my tables and chairs...Up to 10 pts of extra credit!!!! Also check my blog for other extra credit opportunities!
• Students will take a quiz over the water cycle and clouds on Tuesday, February 19th. We will review for the quiz in class on Friday, February 15th. There will also be a lunchtime review session on that day that is student lead.
• Please bring your Science Book with you on Tuesday, February 19th.

Monday, February 11
Review microscope sheet and Cloud Crossword
Create our very own Cloud

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 12
Lab: Activity One: Name That Cloud

Homework: Finish Name That Cloud, if Necessary

Wednesday, February 13
Review Name That Cloud
Activity Two: Satellite Images

Homework: Finish Satellite Images, if necessary

Thursday, February 14 
Review Satellite Images

Homework: Study for Quiz

Friday, February 15
Cloud Bingo
Review for Quiz
Lunchtime review session is today

Homework: Study for the quiz on Tuesday
Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Be Safe, Be Good!